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Just a Jot Down


Language is essential in human life. Language is the main medium for communication whether in verbal or written. It consists of words that organized in a systematic structure. Through language we can express our feelings, inquiry things, convey messages, transmit ideas and the usage is always artful. Language can strengthen and also weaken a spirit. Using the right words effectively helps to imply the right meaning. This essay discussed language and culture and some issues concerning language.

Language established identity. The language was developed centuries within same geographical context. Language builds a society and culture. Language is a valuable capital in a community. Most established languages can be categorized into three groups which are ancient, standard or modern and spoken. Ancient language is more authentic. It rich with metaphor, rhythm, and courtesy. Since they were not exposed to many objects physically they had full of imagination and visualize the objects using abstract languages. A secluded culture or nation usually has richer language. A poet in ancient Arab visualizes his poverty in a poem as “Heavy rain doesn’t get along with the house on top of the hill”. He used a metaphor that wealth as a heavy rain that come from the sky, but it didn’t stay with him since his house located on top of the hill. Every language inherits great proverbs from older generations. It full of compassions, meaning and wisdom. Besides, through language older generation transmit their culture to be inherent for future generation. Without language, a society needs to recreate itself.

As the time goes, language start changes. Many processes have lead to this changes including migration, modernisation, globalisation and so on. Migration arose for several reasons, for example sharing expertise between countries or looking for a better life in other places. In particular, this open to a wider interaction between people such as business transaction, marriage, education, and many more. Consequently, there is always a possibility to influence one another through languages, belief systems and customs. Some parents is no longer practices their mother tongue. On the other hand, modernization and globalisation direct to a production of new words. The words depend on the host country of the inventor. There are many cases that some languages borrow words from English into their languages. Some languages have borrowed so much and that the originality hardly be recognized.

To conclude, language is a vital medium of communication that illustrate the identity of a nation. There is a need to keep the authenticities of each language.