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Eunbi (South Korea) - Arts and Humanities Foundation course (2021/22)

Eunbi has just completed the Arts and Humanities International Foundation Programme in 2022 and will be joining the Politics and International Studies (PAIS) department as an undergraduate student. Here she shares all about her route to the programme as well as her experience of studying on the programme.

Eunbi (South Korea) - Arts and Humanities Foundation course (2021/22)

My name is Eunbi Ko coming from South Korea. I started searching for many foundation programmes offered by universities throughout the UK one year ago. I was strongly intrigued by Warwick IFP due to the many available courses which will make me fit my pursuing undergraduate course. The International Foundation Programme at Warwick has a long history and has clearly shown that students have successfully progressed. As I have never been to the UK for any reason, it was significantly important to choose a reliable foundation programme. Regarding that, Warwick came to my mind, and I decided to apply for the arts and humanities course. Now, my IFP year has finished in July and I will be pursuing Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at Warwick.

Through learning history and philosophy as core modules, I could get closer to philosophical theories which are always mentioned in politics, and the history module has raised my ability to think beyond what is expected. Philosophy was never easy, but it was a great turning point for me to know how to cope with difficulties. Assessments for each module required me to think critically and creatively. That was how I developed my ordinary thoughts.

What boosted my ordinary was the Inquiry & Research module. Every student at IFP takes this module and keeps learning about research skills and ways to utilise them effectively in their research. As I am really into environmental issues, I focused on recycling and the effects of social media among university students. I put so much effort into that until the final presentation with tutors.

Warwick IFP is not just only for studying and progression to undergraduate, but also offers you various experiences in terms of career as well. I was a member of SSLC (Student-Staff Liaison Committee) to make development for both current and prospective students at IFP. It was an unforgettable memory for me to work with many other students across all courses. Thankfully, I was awarded an award for the outstanding contribution to SSLC.

I wish prospective Warwick IFP students will experience a lot of things whilst you are in the UK. No matter what course you would take, it will make you prepared for being a first-year student! Try anything you can, and therefore, you will excel!