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Further Study following the completion of your PSE


Section 1: Purpose and Contents of this page:

This page has been created to give guidance for Students who have finished their Pre-Sessional English Course, and have further study at the University of Warwick at Degree Level or above.

Please ensure you have carefully read the guidance provided for your situation BEFORE you contact Student Immigration.

Section 2: If your current CAS is a Combined PSE and Main Course CAS:

If you have successfully completed your Pre-Sessional English Course, you already hold the relevant CAS and visa for your Main Course.

You will need to complete your Online Enrolment for your Main Course by your Main Course Start Date, using your existing CAS and Visa Details.

Please visit the enrolment portal on the following link:

University of Warwick: Enrolment

If you get an error message regarding your CAS, during your main course enrolment

Student Enrolment will need to reset your Enrolment and perform a CAS Bypass to enable your registration.

To enable them to do this, please contact them via their email address below, ensuring you quote your Warwick ID and any error messages:

Once they have reset your enrolment, they will send you an email to confirm this, and you can then complete your enrolment.

Section 3: If your current CAS was only for your PSE Course:

If you did not successfully complete your Pre-Sessional English course:

Your English Language requirement for your offer is based on successfully passing your Pre-Sessional English course.

If you did not pass your Pre-Sessional English, you should contact your Pre-Sessional English and Admissions Team for your Main Course as soon as possible to see it it is possible to meet your offer conditions another way - they will advise if and how this is possible.

If you have successfully completed your Pre-Sessional English Course:

The Pre-Sessional English Team will notify your Main Course Admissions Team of this, and they will issue your CAS, assuming all other outstanding offer conditions have been met.

You will need to make a new student visa application for your main course by your main course start date.

To do this you will require your CAS from your Admissions Team - they will only issue a CAS once the Pre-Sessional English team have notified them of your successful completion outcome.

Once you have your CAS you need to complete your Student Visa applciation, within the UK, via the UKVI Application Portal.

Once you have successfully submitted your visa application for your new course, you must complete the online enrolment for your new course, and upload, via the enrolment portal, the following documents:

A clear copy of your Passport Data Page

A clear copy of your current Student Visa Vignette

A clear copy of one of the following documents:

Your UKVI Document Checklist

Your UKVI Application PDF

Your UKVI Application Successful Payment and Submission email

The Compliance Team will then check your Enrolment Submission to confirm that you have made an In-Time Student Visa application.

If satisfied, you will be fully enrolled on the basis of an In-Time application.

If they have any issues with your supplied evidence, they will contact you via your Warwick Email address.

Once you have received your new BRP, you must provide it to the University within 5 working days of receiving it, via the following form:

Details of your current visa and/or passport (

Assistance with submitting your visa application for your new course:

Student Immigration has provided comprehensive instructions for making a Student Visa Application, which includes the application requirements, which are available on the following links:

Warwick | Student Immigration | Applying for a visa under the Student RouteLink opens in a new window

Warwick | Student Immigration | Money required for a Student Visa applicationLink opens in a new window

Warwick | Student Immigration | Student Visa Low Risk Nationalities / Differentiation ArrangementsLink opens in a new window

Warwick | Student Immigration | Applying inside the UK (Permission to stay)Link opens in a new window

Warwick | Student Immigration | Permission to Stay Application GuideLink opens in a new window

Pre-Sessional English Main Course Submission Workshop:

Student Immigration will also be holding a Visa Application Submission workshops for your main course visa on:

20/Sep/2022 and 21/Sep/2022.

If you would like to attend the submission workshop, please confirm your interest in attending the event via the following webform:

Register your interest in the Submission Workshop

Once you have submitted your interest, and the workshop numbers have been finalised, you will be sent a Teams Invite to attend the workshop.

To enable us to process your submission as quickly as possible, please ensure you have used the application guide - linked in the section above, to complete your application up to the "Check your Answers" section.
Once you click the green continue to confirm the details are correct, you will not be able to amend any of the details you have provided - See page 37 of the guide linked above.

We will check you answers in the workshop, along with any evidence that you may be required to provide.

Once checked, we will advise that you are ready to submit your applciation, and you can complete your submission at that point.

At this point you are able to complete your online enrolment for your main course.

Please visit the enrolment portal on the following link:

University of Warwick: Enrolment

Section 4: If you have further queries and useful links:

If, after reading the guidance above, and you are still unsure of what you should do next, please contact Student Immigration to discuss your situation via the following methods:

    Please click on the following links for more information

    University of Warwick:

    UK Government:

    Other contacts:

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    06/Sep/2022 ISA: JL 01/Jun/2023
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    All All Page Created ISA: JL 06/Sep/2022