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Engineering Day


After the roaring success of our inaugural Engineering Day @ Warwick in 2017, we are very pleased to announce that we are repeating the event in 2018 on the 17th of March. The venue will be the School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry campus - this time you will be able to see our brand-new Engineering Build Space as well as representations of the diverse areas of Engineering we work and research in.


Please put this date in your diaries, you can follow us on Facebook on @EngDayWarwick to get more updates as we get closer to the day, but rest-assured that we will have loads of hands-on activities for all ages - reassembling engines, and the bicycle powered smoothie maker were two of the most popular from last year, but I suspect interest will still be high in our 3D printing stands as well as our brain controlled Scalextric races!


As we did last year, we will also have a few competitions for families and the younger engineers amongst you – this time we will throw in a few tantalising prizes too. Apart from all of this, we will have a line-up of talks about weird and wonderful Engineering Research as well as tours of our labs and facilities.


So ,if you have an interest in engineering - be it electrical, mechanical, civil, computer or biomedical (or more!) - or just are curious as to what this is all about - then please do join us.


Spread the word, like and share our pages on Facebook and we will keep you updated as we move forwards