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The Fully Electric Challenge

Year 11 teachers, if you know of any budding engineers who are free this summer, this is for them! We have been developing ‘The Fully Electric Challenge Course’ with The Smallpeice Trust and the Faraday Institution. We aim to give an overview of the battery and energy industry, provide an overview of transport electrification and explain how this translates to wider areas of society.

Designed to inspire the next generation of engineers, the course will have a variety of guests including speakers from UKBIC, The Faraday Institution and Zero Carbon Futures. Participants will receive a 'Fully Electric' kit in the post for activities such as coding charging stations and designing their own battery-powered vehicles. The course will also provide details on a variety of STEM career paths that can help contribute to a more sustainable future.

The event takes place from 9-11 August and on 13 August from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. To register and for more information visit: The Smallpeice Trust

Check out the Fully Electric Challenge activities timetable here