Wer sind Wir? (Who are We?)
Wer sind Wir (who are We?) Being different, being the same and being similar in multicultural societies is a one day interdisciplinary Sixth Form Conference which encourages students to think critically about as well as articulate their opinion on a number of controversial topics relating to multicultural societies. Students will get a taste of University teaching, have the opportunity to work with Undergraduate students and be able to gather input to kick start coursework/essays or and even enhance Personal Statements. Please note that a member of staff is not required to accompany Year 12 students who would like to attend this event (although they would be most welcome to come along). A free minibus service will shuttle between Coventry Rail Station and the venue. Refreshments and lunch will be included. Please could Sixth Form students who wish to attend, please complete the reply slip attached and return it to A.Videtta@warwick.ac.uk by Monday 28th November at the latest.