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Year 9 Languages Apprentice Day (French, German, Italian and Spanish)

This event is modelled on the popular BBC television series The Apprentice. Year 9 pupils will be divided into small groups and will be set the challenge of producing an advertising campaign to encourage foreign tourist boards to invest in their company and the local area. They will work in French, German, Italian or Spanish. The challenge will boost pupils’ confidence in talking about their home and the local area. Teachers will need to confirm the preferred language stream for each pupil, so they can be divided into groups. Each group will produce a poster and present their work at the end of the event; staff from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures will judge the posters and decide a winner. Pupils should attend in school uniform and bring a packed lunch.

Approx. number of pupils per school: 15

NB: If you would like to bring more, please email Outreach Administrator Holly Langstaff ( to discuss your request.