Brilliant Club
Who they are?
The Brilliant Club is an award-winning access charity that works across the UK. They work with schools and universities across the UK.
In the UK today, there is an entrenched link between a pupil’s background and their access to higher education. The UCAS Equality measure shows that 1 in 4 of the most advantaged quintile of English 18-year olds enter highly-selective universities, compared to only 1 in 50 pupils from the most disadvantaged quintile.
The Brilliant Club exists to increase the number of pupils from underrepresented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities.
What they do?
The Brilliant Club runs two core programmes; The Scholars Programme and Researchers in Schools.
The Scholars Programme
This programme provides pupils with an experience of university-style learning through seven tutorials and two trips to highly-selective universities. They are supported by a PhD tutor, teaching a supra-curricular topic based on their current research.
Researchers in Schools
This programme is a unique teacher training and development programme exclusively for those who have completed a doctorate.
"You should offer The Brilliant Club to as many people as you can – it can really change someone’s outlook on life"