Brilliant Club
Who they are?
The Brilliant Club is an award-winning access charity that works across the UK. They work with schools and universities across the UK.
In the UK today, there is an entrenched link between a pupil’s background and their access to higher education. The UCAS Equality measure shows that 1 in 4 of the most advantaged quintile of English 18-year olds enter highly-selective universities, compared to only 1 in 50 pupils from the most disadvantaged quintile.
The Brilliant Club exists to increase the number of pupils from underrepresented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities.
What they do?
The Brilliant Club runs two core programmes; The Scholars Programme and Researchers in Schools.
The Scholars Programme
This programme provides pupils with an experience of university-style learning through seven tutorials and a graduation event at a highly-selective university like Warwick. They are supported by a PhD tutor, teaching a supra-curricular topic based on their current research.
Any school staff wanting to find out more can view the Scholars Programme Overview and also complete the Brilliant Club enquiry form for more information.
Researchers in Schools
This programme is a unique teacher training and development programme exclusively for those who have completed a doctorate. If you are interested in becoming a tutor on the Scholars programme take a look at the the job description and application information.
"You should offer The Brilliant Club to as many people as you can – it can really change someone’s outlook on life"