How many places are available on the Pathways to Law programme? 400 places nationally, 35 places at University of Warwick.
Can I apply for a place on the programme at any of the participating universities? No, you can only apply to the university running the Pathways to Law programme which is closest to your term-time residence. Although we will be running a mixed delivery format this year, we are hoping the majority of events will run in person, on campus. Therefore you need to live close enough to campus to be able to attend sessions regularly.
Will the Sutton Trust adjust their programme’s criteria based on the exam results this year?Grades are part of our contextual criteria so students are more likely to gain a place if they meet them but we balance that with the social mobility markers for our programmes. We will continue with this approach next year, with particular focus on students from lower performing schools. Teachers will be able to provide a statement of support outlining any anomalies with the grades awarded so that we can also take this into context. We will be encouraging our university partners to be as generous as possible in their contextual admissions approach for our programmes.
I am appealing my grades – what should I do?Places on our programmes are not given on a first-come-first-served basis. This means there is no advantage to applying early.We therefore advise that you apply to the programme once you have your appeal results. If you do not receive these before the deadline for applications, please let us know that you have applied without your appealed results so that we can make a note of this on your application.
How much does it cost?The programme is free. Your travel expenses to and from Pathways events are paid (subject to you submitting receipts) and transport costs may be reimbursed.
How many sessions do I have to attend?The programme is made up of compulsory and optional events which you are welcome to attend. You are required to attend the compulsory events across both years, which will be outlined at the start of the programme.
Will I miss time from school? Where possible, we will arrange events outside of school time (late afternoons/evenings), during school holidays and at weekends. While we are very conscious of students missing school time, it may not possible to run every events outside of term time, so it is very important that you share the details of the programme dates with your tutor/head of 6th form as soon as these are available. It is your responsibility to catch up on any work missed.
I am studying at an independent school. Why can't I apply for Pathways to Law?The programme is designed to offer opportunities to students from under-represented backgrounds. There has been much research published regarding widening participation which has concluded that these students are mostly found in state schools.
If I complete the Pathways to Law programme will I receive reduced offers to attend university?Some universities who run the Pathways to Law programme offer reduced offers to those who complete the programme, or who meet certain widening participation eligibility criteria. Information is circulated about what each university is offering in your year of application at the Pathways to Law National Conference. At Warwick, for example, students who complete Pathways to Law at any university are eligible for a reduced offer and join Warwick Scholars as an undergraduate when they enrol at the university after completing the Pathways programme. More information about the Warwick Scholars undergraduate programme can be found here
Warwick Scholars Undergraduate Programme
Can I apply for more than one WP programme?We will only offer a place on one programme to a student so please ensure that you apply to the programme that is most suitable to your needs and circumstances. Note that if you are successful in securing a place on the Pathways to Law programme and have accepted it, you will automatically made ineligible for any other programmes the Outreach team offer. The only exception to this is for programme students who are planning to apply to Warwick for their undergraduate studies. These students may be eligible to apply for our Warwick Scholars access programme and if offered a place will be expected to complete their existing post-16 programme alongside participating in Warwick Scholars. Further details about Warwick Scholars can be found here
Warwick Scholars
When will I hear whether I have been accepted on to the Pathways to Law scheme?We hope to have an outcome by the end of October - as soon as we have reviewed applications we will let you know the outcome.