We encourage you to take food home with you if you can, otherwise please check the list below to see what you can donate at your nearest Donation Station to support the local Trussell Trust Food Bank.
Yes, please
✔ Breakfast cereals
✔ Soup
✔ Pasta
✔ Rice
✔ Pasta sauce
✔ Tinned beans
✔ Tinned meat
✔ Tinned vegetables
✔ Tinned fruit
✔ Tea or coffee
✔ Sugar
✔ Biscuits
✔ Snacks
✔ Fruit juice
✔ Squash
✔ Jam
Just remember, we can only accept unopened packets of food.No, thank you
✘ Opened packets of non-perishable food
✘ Cooking oil
✘ Fresh food
✘ Frozen food
By donating food you can...
Reduce your environmental impact
In the UK, households waste 6.6. million tonnes of food a year and 4.7 million tonnes of that is edible food. That’s enough to fill 8 Wembley stadiums. If everyone in the UK stopped wasting food at home for just one day, it would have the same positive impact on greenhouse gases as planting half a million trees. By donating food instead of binning it, you are ensuring that the resources used in its production aren’t being wasted and preventing it from releasing methane (a very powerful greenhouse gas) in landfill. (Source: BBC & WRAP)
Help your community
Since 2019, the University has donated over 5 tonnes of food to the Trussell Trust.
"The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline." (Coventry Food Bank)
"I will never ever forget the support I had. Food banks may be described as organisations that support people, but they are actually so much more than that. They are literally keeping families alive." (The Trussell Trust)