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Moving Out of Off Campus Accommodation

Are you moving out of off campus accommodation and have items that you no longer need or cannot take with you? Here are some great tips for moving out and rehoming your unwanted belongings!

Take It Home

Ask local supermarkets and shops whether they have any cardboard boxes you can have to pack your possessions in to make transportation easier.


Contact a storage company to arrange storage for some of your belongings over the vacation period.

Use the on-campus Donation Stations (supporting local charities)
  • You can donate unopened non-perishable food, kitchenware, small electricals and books at the SU or outside Sherbourne.
  • Duvets, pillows and bedding can be donated in the special bins located near residence waste corrals.
  • Clothes, shoes and accessories can be donated to the big red British Heart Foundation banks all around campus.
Donate directly to local charities
Swap, Sell or Give Away
Landfill/General Waste