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Public Sector Equality Duty

You can find more information about the data we collect and how we use it on our Diversity Monitoring webpage.

Please note: Staff and student data can be 'Personal Data' in their raw form and this needs to be protected from unauthorised exposure. As such, we do not publish figures where numbers are small. The graphs below show 0% where the staff/student population is less than 0.1%, but this does not necessarily mean there are no staff/students in that group.

For all graphs, the legend is the same order and orientation as the bars.


Cultural Heritage

In 2023/24, 13.6% of staff declared a cultural heritage group:

  • Buddhist - 0.2%.
  • Christian - 10.3%.
  • Hindu - 0.8%.
  • Jewish - 0.2%.
  • Muslim - 0.9%.
  • Sikh - 0.4%.
  • Other - 0.8%.

Declarations: 24% (76% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Previous years' data are not currently available.


In 2024/25, 8% of staff are disabled.

Declarations: 95.5% (4.5% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).


In 2024/25, 37.1% of staff are women, 31.9% men, 0.2% non-binary, and 0.3% 'other'.

Declarations: 69% (31% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the 'Gender' question.


In 2023/24, 0.1% of staff are intersex.

Declarations: 41.3% (62.8% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Previous years' data are not currently available.

Race and Ethnicity

In 2023/24, 25.5% of staff are Black, Asian, or minority ethnic.

  • Asian - 11.8%.
  • Black - 3.1%.
  • Mixed - 2.8%.
  • Other - 2%.

Declarations: 94.5% (5.5% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Religion and Belief

In 2023/24, 30.3% of staff declared a religion or belief:

  • Buddhist - 0.8%.
  • Christian - 20.9%.
  • Hindu - 2.2%.
  • Jewish - 0.2%.
  • Muslim - 3.1%.
  • Sikh - 1.4%.
  • Spiritual - 0.7%.
  • Any other religion or belief - 1%.

31% of staff declared no religion.

Declarations: 61.3% (38.7% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Sex Identifier

In 2023/24, more than half of staff are female (52.4% female, 47.5% male).

Declarations: 100%.

Note: These data are based on responses to the 'Sex identifier for HMRC' question - all staff are required to answer this question for payroll purposes.

Sexual Orientation

In 2023/24, 6% of staff were LGBTQUIA+ by sexual orientation.

  • Bisexual - 2.8%.
  • Gay or lesbian - 2.2%.
  • Other - 0.9%.

Declarations: 77% (23% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Socio-Economic Background

Occupation of main earner when you were 14

In 2023/24, 10.1% of staff are from professional backgrounds, 1.9% from intermediate backgrounds, and 4.1% from working class backgrounds (0.8% selected 'other' e.g., retired, I don't know):

  • Modern professional & traditional professional occupations such as: professor, lecturer, teacher, nurse, physiotherapist, social worker, musician, police officer (sergeant or above), software designer, accountant, solicitor, medical practitioner, scientist, civil / mechanical engineer - 7.1%.
  • Senior, middle or junior managers or administrators such as: finance manager, chief executive, large business owner, office manager, retail manager, bank manager, restaurant manager, warehouse manager - 3%.
  • Clerical and intermediate occupations such as: secretary, personal assistant, call centre agent, clerical worker, nursery nurse - 0.9%.
  • Technical and craft occupations such as: technicians, motor mechanic, plumber, printer, electrician, gardener, train driver - 1.5%.
  • Routine, semi-routine manual and service occupations such as: postal worker, machine operative, security guard, caretaker, farm worker, catering assistant, sales assistant, HGV driver, cleaner, porter, packer, labourer, waiter/waitress, bar staff - 2.5%.
  • Small business owners who employed less than 25 people such as: corner shop owners, small plumbing companies, retail shop owner, single restaurant or cafe owner, taxi owner, garage owner - 1%.
  • Long-term unemployed (claimed Jobseeker's Allowance or earlier unemployment benefit for more than a year) - 0.2%

Declarations: 16.9% (83.1% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the question: 'What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were about aged 14?' Occupations are grouped into 3 backgrounds according to methodology set out by the Social Mobility Commission.

Previous years' data are not currently available.

Type of school attended

In 2023/24, 1.8% of staff attended an independent school.

  • A state-run or state-funded school - 13.5%.
  • Independent or fee-paying school - 1.6%.
  • Independent or fee-paying school, where I received a means tested bursary covering 90% or more of the total cost of attending throughout my time there - 0.2%.
  • Attended school outside the UK - 3.4%.
  • I don’t know - 0.2%.

Declarations: 18.9% (81.1% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the question: 'Which type of school did you attend for the most time between the ages of 11 and 16?'

Previous years' data are not currently available.

Free school meals

In 2023/24, 2.2% of staff were eligible for free school meals.

  • Eligible for free school meals - 2.2%
  • Not eligible for free school meals - 10.8%.
  • Don’t know - 2%.
  • Not applicable (finished school before 1980 or went to school overseas) - 3.6%

Declarations: 18.7% (81.3% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the question: 'If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for state-funded free school meals at any point during your school years?'

Previous years' data are not currently available.

Trans Status

In 2023/24, 0.2% of staff were trans.

Declarations: 38.1% (61.9% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the question 'Is the gender you identify with the same as the sex registered at your birth?'

Previous years' data are not currently available.



In 2024/25, 13.1% of students are disabled.

Declarations: 100%.


In 2024/25, 49.9% of students are women, 48.8% men, 0.6% non-binary, and 0.1% 'other'.

Declarations: 99.4% (0.6% of students said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the 'Gender' question.

Race and Ethnicity

In 2024/25, 56.4% of Warwick students are Black, Asian, or minority ethnic*.

  • 23.1% are Asian.
  • 7.1% are Black.
  • 18.2% are Chinese.
  • 5.3% are Mixed.
  • 2.7% ticked 'Other'.

41.7% of students are White and 1.9% ticked 'Not known'.

Declarations: 100%.

* We know that the use of ‘BAME’ as a term is increasingly contested, but this is the term we use at Warwick currently in lieu of a commonly-agreed alternative. We can reassure our community that when we conduct ethnicity data analysis we disaggregate below ‘BAME’ to ensure a fuller, and more accurate, picture of racial inequalities.

Religion and Belief

In 2024/25, 45.2% of students have a religion or belief:

  • 1.7% of students are Buddhist.
  • 21.4% are Christian.
  • 9.4% are Hindu.
  • 0.6% are Jewish.
  • 8.5% are Muslim.
  • 1.5% are Sikh.
  • 0.9% are Spiritual.
  • 1.2% ticked 'Any other religion or belief'.

45.2% of students declared no religion.

Declarations: 92.6% (7.4% of students said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Sexual Orientation

In 2024/25, 10.1% of students are LGBTQUIA+ by sexual orientation*.

  • 0.9% are Asexual/Asexual Spectrum.
  • 5.9% are Bi/Bisexual/Bi+.
  • 1.3% are Gay Men.
  • 1% are Gay Women/Lesbians.
  • 0.9% are Queer.
  • 0.4% ticked 'Other'.

77.2% of students are heterosexual/straight and 2.6% choose not to define their sexual orientation.

Declarations: 90.3% (9.7% of students said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

*We use the acronym LGBTQUIA+ to be inclusive of the whole LGBTQUIA+ community. The data presented here refer specifically to those who are included in LGBTQUIA+ umbrella on the basis of their sexual orientation i.e., staff who selected ‘Bisexual’, ‘Gay man’, ‘Gay woman/Lesbian’, and ‘Other’ on the sexual orientation question on staff diversity monitoring forms.

Trans Status

In 2024/25, 1.3% of students are trans.

Declarations: 98.5% (1.5% of staff said 'Prefer not to say'/didn't answer the question).

Note: These data are based on responses to the question 'Do you identify as the same gender you were assigned at birth?'