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Talking about Palestinian Rights

Collage of three photos: one is a Palestinian man waving a Palestinian flag, one is a group UNISON delegates in Palestine, one is UNISON Eastern region activists holding flags states "Palestine Solidarity Campaign"
UNISON International has a long-standing history of shining a light on the ongoing occupation in Palestine, and providing international support and solidarity for Palestinian people. We support and promote UNISON's guide for members and activists on Talking about Palestinian Rights.

Locally, we would like to draw attention to the campaign at Warwick organised by staff and students to Demilitarise Warwick: Divest from Companies Providing Military Support for Israeli War Crimes and Occupation.

At the Joint Consultative Committee meeting with members of UEB on 31 November 2023, University of Warwick UNISON branch called for an end to the University's relationship with BAE and Rolls Royce along with UCU colleagues, and shared concerns raised by UCU regarding University actions in response to related protests and teach-outs on Demilitarise WarwickLink opens in a new window.