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Fees and funding

PhD scholarships and bursaries

We have an excellent track record of securing full funding for our postgraduate research students. Our students have also been successful in obtaining travel grants and short-term fellowships from a number of external organisations.

The most important schemes for potential History of Art students are:

  • AHRC Midlands4Cities Scholarships: these are open to UK and international students and provide 3.5 years of funding covering fees and a maintenance grant at UKRI rates. Full details of how to apply can be found on the Midlands4Cities website.
  • Chancellor's International Scholarships: these are open to international research students and cover international fees and a maintenance grant at UKRI rates. Full details can be found hereLink opens in a new window.
  • The Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence (CADRE) advertises funding schemes, like the additional Midland4Cities funding (Engagement Fund, Research Development Fund) and more. Full details hereLink opens in a new window.
  • China Scholarship Council (CSC) / University of Warwick Scholarships: these are open to students holding a Peoples Republic of China Passport (applicants from Hong Kong or Taiwan are not eligible) and cover the full payment of overseas tuition fees. Full details can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Full information about scholarships and bursaries can be found on the Doctoral College's Scholarships and Funding Link opens in a new windowpages.

IMPORTANT: The demand for scholarships significantly outweighs the supply, and the wording of your application is crucial. If you intend to apply for funding please contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Prof. Michael Hatt (M dot Hatt at warwick dot ac dot uk), for further advice.


MA Funding

Various sources of funding for Masters study may be available (including Postgraduate Loans for Masters Courses), subject to eligibility. Please visit the University's PG Scholarships webpageLink opens in a new window for information on available funding schemes.

The University also offers the Warwick Taught Masters Scholarship Scheme to support eligible students. Awards are set at up to £10,000 per student (as of 2023-24) and are available to eligible home fee status students from under-represented groups who wish to start a taught masters. Full details can be found hereLink opens in a new window.


Course fees 2023-24

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Fees will normally rise for each year of your course in line with inflation. They do not stay the same as the year in which you started. Course fees for 2023-24 are not yet available, but these are the fees for 2023-24.




Full-time fee (£)

Part-time fee (£)

Taught postgraduate students


(MA) 10,950

(MA) £ 5,475

Taught postgraduate students


(MA) 24,630

(MA) £ 12,315

Research postgraduate students (2024-25)




Research postgraduate students (2024-25)





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