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Faculty of Arts Events and Opportunities

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Digital Arts Lab Teaching and Learning Project Funds

The Digital Arts Lab is inviting applications for 2 x £250 grants. Funding will be awarded for projects which scope or support digital teaching and learning activities or enhance the student experience. We are interested in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects and in departmental, faculty or cross-faculty projects.

There are two streams of funding available:

  • Digital Teaching and Learning
  • Digital Humanities

The grants will be made on consideration of the following criteria:

  • The impact of the project on enhancing teaching and learning, the digital humanities, and the student experience;
  • The innovation and creativity of the proposed project;
  • The sustainability of the project and its departmental/faculty implementation plan.

This project funding is open to both academic and professional staff from the Faculty of Arts. We we will accept bids from individuals and from teams, including cross departmental teams. The funds must be spent before the 31 July 2019. Recipients of the grants will be asked to write-up a project report for the Digital Arts Lab website and present their work at the Digital Arts Lab Forum.

To apply for the funding, please fill out this application form

The deadline is the 13th May 2019

Postgraduate Award in Technology Enhanced Learning

Posgraduate Award in Technology Enhanced Learning
Are you interested in developing your use of technology to support teaching and learning, and enhancing the student experience?Starting in April there are opportunities to take part in two part time, practice-based programmes, designed to support participants as they carry out a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) project. Each programme takes between 6-8 months to complete.
  • The PGA TEL (20 CATS). Leads to Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
  • PGA TEL Theory and Application (30 CATS). Leads to Fellowship of the HEA (FHEA).
APP TEL is open to all staff at the University of Warwick who have a role in teaching, development or learning support. The programme is comprised of a series of:
  • workshops – introducing the core concepts and underpinning pedagogical theory, as well as providing the opportunity to engage with a range of tools and technologies and discuss these face-to-face and online;
  • structured online activities - designed to encourage reflection at key stages of project design and implementation these will give participants the opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow participants as well as developing critical reflections on approaches adopted from both teacher and learner perspectives. There will also be the opportunity to engage with a variety of different online tools and consider how they could be used in teaching and learning and share experiences in an online space.
  • action learning sets - working with colleagues focusing on peer support around the development of your project.
Further information can be found here - using this formLast year Dr Kathryn Woods (Arts Faculty DSEP) developed the Arts Faculty Personal Tutor Moodle Training as her PGA TEL project. If you want to talk to Kathryn about her experience of PGA TEL email

Arts Faculty Technology Enhanced Learning Forum Takeover!

The next Technology Enhanced Learning Forum is an Arts Faculty takeover! It will take place Tuesday 26th March 11-1pm in the Teaching Grid, Floor 2, Main Library. Come along to find out more about technology enhanced learning activities in the Faculty of Arts. The full agenda can be found here and you can book your place here. Light refreshments (Tea/Coffee/Cake) will be available.


Teresa MacKinnon (SMLC) - Digital teaching and learning in language teaching

Jonathan Davies (History) - Digital humanities research project/assessment

Sarah Richardson (History) - Audio feedback

Laura Waller (Library) - Digital student support and accessibility tools

Kathryn Woods (Arts Faculty) - The Digital Arts Lab

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