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Faculty of Arts Events and Opportunities

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The Voice of the Fans in the Digital Era: Fan Translation and Film Criticism in China

The Translation and Transcultural Research Seminar will take place on Monday 16 November 2020, 1-2pm (Teams).

Please note that these talks will be held online this year and you will need to register your interest through this form by Sunday 15th November. You will receive further details about accessing the seminar via Teams on the day of Dr Guo's talk

Faculty of Arts Mural - Get Involved

Construction for a new Faculty of Arts Building is underway on the University of Warwick campus. It will be a building for everyone, with a range of mixed teaching and study spaces, lecture facilities, a café and exhibition space for our entire community to enjoy.

We have commissioned Matthew Raw to create a large-scale mural, and he would like your inspiration. He has created an easy-to-do activity pack for people of all ages to complete and share with him. It's made up of some more information about the project and then some simple colour exercises – where there can be no wrong answers!

Coventry Creates

The digital exhibition, Coventry Creates, shows the work of 18 local artists who worked in collaboration with researchers from Coventry University and the University of Warwick, as part of a commissioned project funded by the two institutions. The public are able to view the works at

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