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FAB Digital Wednesdays - all staff and students welcome

Wednesday 26th January

GoReact demo - a platform for student video projects 1-2pm
GoReact is a well-designed platform for recording student presentations (individual or team), peer review, assessment and feedback. It has been used effectively in WMG, WBS, and Education. We are reviewing it for the Arts Faculty. Join us in the session as we watch a demo by Jenny from GoReact, hear from people at Warwick who have used it, and consider how well it fits with our needs. Please use this form to register.
VR Club meeting 2-3pm
The first meeting of the VR Club will happen online next Wednesday. I will demo VR apps (streamed live from my headset), and lead a discussion of the state of VR today, possibilities for VR in education, and future VR Club activities. Please use this form to register.

Wednesday 9th February

Technology for Teaching (TEAL) Arts Faculty Review 2-3pm
In this session we will review the tools, technologies and services that are available for us to use in teaching. How well do they fit the needs of the Arts Faculty? What's missing? Open to all staff and students. This will feed into the TEAL working group and the Faculty Education Committee. Open to all staff and students. Pleas use this form to register.

Wednesday 16th February

Technology for Teaching (TEAL) Arts Faculty Working Group 12-1pm
Your chance to meet the people responsible for the tools and services that we use, ask questions and give feedback. Open to all staff and students. Please use this form to register.

Previous Sessions

Wednesday 15th December

Intro to Miro, drop-in support, Creative Futures Educators network

An introduction to Miro
The most sophisticated, collaborative, easy to use online whiteboard system, now the de facto platform in design and creative industries, and rapidly becoming an essential tool in teaching.

All staff and students welcome.

Robert O'Toole has been using Miro in teaching for the last year, and will share advice and teaching techniques, as well as demonstrating how to use Miro for teaching and projects. This will include a demonstration of an entire module, including video, pdfs, activities, and communications, in a Miro board - with feedback from the students.

Watch the recording of this session.

View the Miro board for this session.

Followed by drop in support for any teaching-related tech, 14.00-15.00 - in the Media Symposium Space and in Teams.

All staff and students welcome.

Creative Futures Educators at Warwick - initial get together 15.30-16.30 in Teams and the Media Symposium Space

Creative Futures is a gateway between the University and the region’s creative industries. It is based at the 1 Mill Street incubator in Leamington Spa. There's an increasing number of modules and non-credit student opportunities relating to this, especially concerning Design Thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship, creative-digital. We are establishing a University-wide network of educators in this field. In this initial meeting we will map teaching activity, and discuss shared interests and opportunities.

All staff and students welcome.

Contact Robert O'Toole for an invitation.

Coming soon

Note that all sessions are open to staff and students, but some will require booking.

Not all dates and times are confirmed yet.

LDCU in the Arts
2nd March

TEALfest 2022
16th March (wk 10), 13.00-16.00.
As part of this week-long conference, we will have an afternoon celebrating technology in teaching in the Arts Faculty.

Esports and the Arts
To be scheduled.
Warwick is a leader in competitive video gaming, with a major Esports centre on campus. But what might it have to do with the Arts? There are lots of connections to be discovered. Join us to see Esports in action and to discuss opportunities in teaching, research and outreach.

Double-loop learning
To be scheduled.
Research shows that this is one of the most important keys to student success, and this session will explore simple techniques to embed it into practice.

Warwick Virtual Museum
To be scheduled.
What should it be like? what could it be used for?

Digital Humanities
To be scheduled.
An introduction to the latest tools and techniques.

To be scheduled.
An introduction for teachers and students.

Artificial Intelligence
To be scheduled.
Arts and Humanities perspectives.

Design Thinking
To be scheduled.
An ethically grounded and transdisciplinary approach to changing the world.

Podcasting and audio production
To be scheduled.