We are investigating the role of digital technologies in three types of pedagogic strategy. Note that in reality combinations of different srategies are used. For example, creative projects may be used within inquiry-based learning.
Common Pedagogic Strategies
Generic strategies used widely across disciplines. For example, case-based learning, research-based learning.
Case-based learning | Community-based learning | Creative project-based learning | Experiential learning | Inquiry-based learning | Lecture-seminar-exam | Lifelong learning | Location-based learning | Performance and skills development | Problem-based learning | Public pedagogy | Research-based learning | Work-based learning
Signature Pedagogies
Pedagogic strategies that have evolved within specific disciplines, to address challenges in a way that fits with the context.
Developing Digital Capabilities
What pedaogic strategies can we use for developing a digital design mindset? How do we best teach digital media skills?
In addition, we are collecting examples of good practice that may be used across all of the strategies.