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LL225 Scheme of Work

Text Book: みんなの日本語 初級Ⅰ

Term 1
  Book Chapter Grammar Contents Kanji
Week 1 - Registration Week (no class) -
Week 2 12
  • the superlative  〇〇で △△が いちばん …
  • comparing two  △△は ××より …
Week 3 13
  • "want (N)"  (N) が ほしいです
  • "want to (V)"  (V) たいです(Level 1 Revision)
  • "go to (V)"  (V) に いきます
  • "somewhere" & "something"  どこか / なにか

1. Numbers (1)

Week 4 14 / 15
  • "please (V)"  (Vて) ください
  • action in progress  (Vて) います
  • giving permission  (Vて)も いいです
  • "not allowed to (V)"  (Vて)は いけません

2. Numbers (2)

Week 5 15 / 16
  • continuous situation & habitual action  (V) て います(Level 1 Revision)
  • frequency  〇〇に △△かい
  • connecting verb sentences  (V1て)、(V2て)、…
  • "after (V)ing"  (Vて)から

3. Days of the week

Week 6 16
  • topic & statement about the topic  △△は ××が …
  • connecting related adjective / noun sentences   ~くて、~で

4. Positions & Nature

Week 7 17
  • "please do not (V)"  (Vない)で ください
  • "must / have to (V)"  (Vな)ければ なりません
  • "do not have to (V)"  (Vな)くても いいです
  • making an object the topic of a sentence

5. Body

Week 8 18
  • ”(V)ing"  (V dict.)こと
  • "can (V)"  (V dict.)ことが できます
  • "before (V)ing"  (V dict.)まえに
  • "ago"   (time period)まえ
Week 9 - Revision of the Term -
Week 10 -

Interim Test


Term1 Tests:

Up to Lesson 18 including Kanji introduced in the module. No dictionary allowed.

If you are ill on the day, please get a doctor’s note and contact your tutor.

Term 2
  Book Chapter Grammar Contents Kanji
Week 1 19
  • experience  (Vた)ことが あります
  • example actions from a list  (V1た)り (V2た)り します

6. People

Week 2 19
  • "become"  ~く なります、~に なります
7. Time (1)
Week 3 20
  • speech styles

8. Time (2)

Week 4 21
  • "I think ..."  (plain form)と おもいます
  • "(someone) said ..."  (plain form)と いいました
  • seeking for agreement  (plain form)でしょう
Week 5 22
  • noun-modifying clause
9. Adjectives
Week 6 23
  • "when"  ~とき
10. Verbs
Week 7 24
  • "if ..., then ~"  ~と
11. Others (1)
Week 8 24
  • "if ..." & "once ..."  ~たら
  • "even if ..."  ~ても
12. Others (2)
Week 9 25
  • "give (me)"  くれます
  • giving and receiving a kind action (Vて)もらいます / (Vて)くれます / (Vて)あげます
Week 10   Revision of the Term  
Term 3
  Book Chapter Contents
Week 1 - Revision of the Module
Week 2 - Revision of the Module (last class)
Week 3 -

Final Test

  • Reading/Writing Integrated
Week 3/4 - Oral Test

Final Test:

Up to Lesson 25 including Kanji introduced in the module. No dictionary allowed.

If you are ill on the day, please get a doctor’s note and contact your tutor.