Substantial collections of Renaissance and Early Modern festival books
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, (Munich)
- Bibliothèque National de France (Paris)
- British Library: Holds 3000 festival books. 253 of these have been digitised.
- Getty Research Institute in the History of Art and the Humanities (the Lafranchi collection), California.
- Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel): the Federal German Library, with responsibility for 17th-century German imprints. You can read 314 online here.
- New York Public Library (Spencer Collection)
- Rondel Collection: Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal (Paris).
- Staatliche Kunstsammlungen (Dresden).
- Victoria and Albert Museum: National Art Library in the Victoria and Albert Museum (London): Piot Collection of over 500 festival books.
- Warburg Institute: University of London. More than 100 of their festival books have been now digitised and are available online as pdf (Adobe Acrobat) files.