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Vanishing Point - celebrating Duncan Whitley's residency at the University of Warwick

In the academic year 2022-23, Film and Television Studies/the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Culture were delighted to host Duncan Whitley as our Filmmaker in ResidenceLink opens in a new window. During his residency, Duncan worked with academics from around the university, and particularly the Borders, Race, Ethnicity and Migration Network and community partners Inini. His work was supported by the IAS, the Connecting Cultures GRP, Warwick Institute of Engagement, as well as the SCAPVC. To celebrate the end of Duncan’s residency we are organising a screening of Duncan’s recent and developing work (including the work that has come out of this residency), along with a Q&A with Duncan and some time to reflect on the place of artists in residence in the university.

The event takes place in the Faculty of Arts Building’s cinema (FAB 0/21) on the University of Warwick central campus on Thursday 30th November from 6-8.30pm, including a drinks reception in the Agora in the FAB.

More information can be found on the event here: Vanishing Point ( opens in a new window

A booking form can be found here (all invitees need to book their free of charge places at this event): Vanishing Point Bookings ( opens in a new window

Mon 30 Oct 2023, 13:30 | Tags: Events practice

No Cash Slash: Horror and the Gothic Film Festival, 1-2 July 2023

On Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd of July, Horror and the Gothic students will be hosting the annual Horror and the Gothic film festival. It’s called No Cash Slash, and features an exciting selection of films and activities. The festival is free admission, and begins at 15:00 on Saturday the 1st in the FAB cinema (FAB 0.21). Please refer to the festival’s Instagram account for more information, and a gradual unveiling of the scheduled films: I hope some of you will be able to join us for what promises to be a fun way to end the term.

Lyra (2022) - Screening at Coventry Cathedral

Third year Film Studies student and investigative journalist Fran Hughes reports from the screening of Lyra (2022) at Coventry Cathedral, about the murdered Northern Irish journalist Lyra McKee. The film was accompanied by a panel chaired by Professor Helen Wheatley (Director of Film and Television Studies) with Lyra's sister Nichola McKee-Corner and brother in law John Corner, the film's producer, Jackie Doyle, the Rev Dr Alex Wimberley (leader of the Corrymeela Community) and Professor Michele Aaron. Fran attended the screening as a recent recipient of the Centre for Investigative Journalism's Lyra McKee Bursary Scheme, and writes about the experience of watching the film and meeting Lyra's family

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