Stephen Gundle to Give the Keynote Address at a Symposium marking the Centenary of Italian Screen Actor Marcello Mastroianni.
FTV’s Hande Çayır publishes pedagogical article and launches new film on documentary sceening platform
Professor Helen Wheatley Launches New Book at Coventry Cathedral
Television/Death intertwines the study of death, dying and bereavement on television with discussion of the ways that television (and the TV archive) provides access to the dead. Helen introduced the book at this event and invited to collaborators to respond to the work, prior to a drink reception. The event was held Coventry Cathedral as this special place was one of the key locations for the events discussed in the final section of the book.
Funding Success for AHRC Project 'Women in Italian Film Production: Industrial Histories and Gendered Labour, 1945-85'
Stephen Gundle, of Film and Television Studies, has received funding of £970,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Council for a three-year research project on the place of women in the Italian film industry in the decades after World War Two. The project builds on work undertaken by Stephen and Karl Schoonover between 2016 and 2019 on a previous AHRC project about producers and production practices in Italian cinema. The other investigators on the new project – which begins in February 2023 - will be Daniela Treveri Gennari and Silvia Dibeltulo of Oxford Brookes University.
Film and Television Studies Researchers Contribute to Latest Issue of Mediapolis Journal
The latest issue of Mediapolis Journal (Vol.7 No.2)Link opens in a new window has recently been published, featuring contributions by a number of researchers from Film and Television Studies at Warwick.
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