British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Department of Film and Television Studies is inviting expressions of interest in the above scheme, the deadline for which is still TBC but likely to be the first week of October, 2015.
The aim of the British Academy in making these awards is to offer opportunities for outstanding early career researchers to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment which will develop their curriculum vitae and improve their prospects of obtaining permanent lecturing posts by the end of the Fellowship. The primary emphasis is on completion of a significant piece of publishable research, which will be assisted by full membership of an academic community of established scholars working in similar fields
- Applicants must be supported by the UK host institution in which they wish to hold the Fellowship
- Applicants must be within three years of the award of a doctorate or having a reasonable expectation that they will have submitted and had their thesis examined by 1 April 2015)
- Applicants will have been awarded a PhD following a viva voce examination held prior to 1 April 2013 who are unable to offer extenuating circumstances, such as interruption to their academic career for maternity leave or illness, will not be considered
- Applicants must be a UK or EEA national, or have completed a doctorate at a UK university. Any applicant who does not fall into one of these categories must demonstrate a strong prior association with the UK academic community, for example through already having been employed in a temporary capacity (longer than twelve months) at a UK university
Duration of Award: Awards are for 3 years
Funding: Awards are offered on a Full Economic Costing basis. There is no fixed amount awarded for the Fellowships and the value of award will vary depending on the host institution. Awards cover the salary of the Postdoctoral Fellow to work full-time on the Fellowship, small-scale research expenses (up to a maximum of £6,000), costs towards the time of a mentor (equivalent to one hour per month for the 36 months of the Fellowship) and the host institution's estates and indirect costs.
For further information on the scheme and a link to the egap application system please see:
In the first instance, if you wish to make an informal enquiry please contact Professor Stella Bruzzi (Director of Research) on We cannot support applications that have not gone through internal vetting. Our internal deadline for applications will be 5 pm on 21 September 2015 and we will have corresponded with all candidates well before then regarding whether or not we will be supporting their application.