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Professor Ed Gallafent

Profile picture
Emeritus Professor of Film Studies

Email: E dot C dot Gallafent at warwick dot ac dot uk

Millburn House
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7HS


Ed Gallafent read English for his first degree at Southampton University, and stayed on to do a PhD on the work of William Faulkner, working partly at Southampton and partly at the University of Virginia and Yale University. For many years he taught mainly North American literature and culture, first at the University of Wales and then in the English department at Warwick. He moved to the Warwick Film & Television Studies department at the beginning of the 21st century. He has been associated with the journal Movie for some time, originally in its print form, and currently sits on the editorial board of its online successor, Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism. The online journal is hosted by the Warwick website ( Ed is also a member of the editorial advisory board for the monograph series Close Readings in Film and Television.

Ed retired from undergraduate teaching at the end of the 2015-16 academic year, but will be teaching on the MA course in the Spring of 2019.

Research interests

Much of my research has been in North American sound cinema, particularly in stars who also direct, and in star couples. I am interested in both classical Hollywood cinema and in recent US film making. I have also written on Swedish and French directors. My latest book is Adultery and the Female Star, a study of Bette Davis, Joan Fontaine, Kim Novak and Meryl Streep. Full details can be found here.

Selected Publications

  • Clint Eastwood, Actor and Director, Studio Vista, 1994.
  • Astaire and Rogers, Cameron Books, 2000 (published in the USA by Columbia University Press, 2002).
  • Quentin Tarantino (On Directors series), Longman Pearson, 2006.
  • Letters and Literacy in Hollywood Film, BFI/Palgrave, 2013.
  • Adultery and the Female Star, Palgrave Macmilln, 2018.




Postgraduate modules

Swedish Cinema

Adultery and the Female Star
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