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3rd Year Modules


Tutors Overview Code


Lucy Brydon

The module is aimed at second and third year students. The course will introduce students to contemporary screenwriting practice. There are no formal entry requirements. It introduces students to the principles of screenwriting craft and the current film climate in the UK.


Advanced ScreenwritingLink opens in a new window

Lucy Brydon

The module is aimed at final year students who must have already completed the Screenwriting module or have equivalent level of experience. The course will develop students’ existing screenwriting practice in new ways that equip them with industry-facing skills in script writing for TV and web series.

CW302 or CW303

Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives (final year students only)Link opens in a new window


Gonzalo C. Garcia

This module will focus on studying the narrative traditions of video games, making connections between their basic origins in the 1970s to their contemporary presentations. We'll be looking at narrative design in games, and more specifically deal with theoretical questions of agency in digital storytelling, as well as issues like game violence (and non-violence), gender, politics and injustice.

Since this module is taught by The Writing Programme, the aim is to get started creating narrative games using principles taught in Creative Writing. Previous assignments include game prototypes using Twine, RPG Maker and Visual Novel makers, game scripts, game bibles, D&D modules, or develop critical writings about video games (essays, reviews, video reviews).


Practice of FictionLink opens in a new window

Tim Leach (Term 1)
Dragan Todorovic (Term 2)

Building upon Modes of Writing and Composition and Creative Writing, Practice of Fiction is designed to consolidate what has been learned so far and to develop more advanced fiction writing skills. This includes aspects of technique, a greater understanding of process (planning, drafting, editing), and the particular challenges that come with tackling large scale projects such as novels.

The module also seeks to develop students understanding of contemporary fiction. Students will become familiar with a range of writers and will learn to make connections between writers, trends and styles, across generations and boundaries of nationality, gender, and politics.

The Personal Writing Project (PWP) Convenor: Gonzalo C. Garcia

This module is for 'English Literature and Creative Writing' students only.

The main purposes of this module are to enable students to develop their practical and creative skills in a specific genre, and also their critical skills in exploring the aims and processes involved in their work and that of notable practitioners. They will also gain critical insights into the work of other contemporary writers and the processes of literary production.

Representative Additional English Department Modules:Link opens in a new window

*Please see the English website for full list of available modules

The Seventeenth Century

Modern American Poetry
The English Country House
US Writing and Culture 1780-1920
Romantic and Victorian Poetry

Please note: We update our modules every year based on availability and demand, and we update our course content too. The content on these pages give you a really strong indication of what your course will offer, but given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. Read our terms and conditions to find out more.