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Global Sustainable Development News

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Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins to be the keynote speaker at the Political Ecologies of the Far Right Conference 2019

The Political Ecologies of the Far Right conference, taking place from 15-17 November 2019, is an interdisciplinary academic-activist event organised by the Human Ecology Division at Lund University. The conference is in collaboration with The Zetkin Collective, a group of scholars, activists and students working on the political ecology of the far right, and the Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism at Chalmers University.

The conference will explore:

Two trends (which) intersect in the present: rapidly rising temperatures and rapid advances of the far right. What happens when they meet?

During the next three days, we will explore this formidable conundrum, and consider together what is to be done, both in terms of research but also in terms of practice. We aim to make this conference a platform to bring together both academics and activists to meet, share learnings, network, build alliances, and start unlikely conversations. They need to happen. This is the first systematic inquiry into the political ecology of the far right in the twenty-first century.

Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins, an Assistant Professor in Global Sustainable Development, will be the keynote speaker at the conference delivering a talk entitled “Between apocalypse and survival: the violence of climate breakdown in, and for, the Caribbean” from 5:30pm-6:30pm on Saturday 16 November 2019. Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins will also be part of the roundtable session and final discussion from 2:45pm-4:30pm on Sunday 17 November 2019.

SCFS Seminar Series 2019/20 kicks off with Dr Christian Krekel (LSE)

Dr Christian Krekel

In its first session of the academic year, the School for Cross-faculty Studies Research and Pedagogy Seminar Series opened with a thought-provoking seminar on teaching deliberate practice across schools in Northern Macedonia, delivered by Dr Christian Krekel, Assistant Professor in Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

GSD student showcases research at ICUR 2019

ICUR 2019

Every year, students from the Global Sustainable Development department present their research at the annual International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR). This year, the conference took place on the 24th and 25th of September in The Oculus building on campus, showcasing the best undergraduate research from around the world via internationally video-linked sessions.

New Africa Research Network launching in October

African Landscape

On Wednesday 16 October 2019 the network launch of Warwick's Africa Research Network, led by GSD Assistant Professor Nick Bernards, will take place from 1pm-3pm in R0.14 (Ramphal Building).

Institute for Global Sustainable Development Launch

On Wednesday 25 September (tomorrow!) at 10am, the official launch of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) will take place at Scarman Conference Centre.

The event will outline the strategy of the IGSD and the support that it will provide to researchers interested in engaging with the Global Goals. There'll be an exhibition of case studies highlighting some of the research already being done across Warwick, and the opportunity for networking and community building. The launch is timed to coincide with Global Goals Week, an annual week of action, awareness, and accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Institute for Global Sustainable Development is a recently established research initiative at the University of Warwick with the mission of being a hub for transdisciplinary research on global sustainable development, i.e. research that crosses disciplinary borders and includes non-academic stakeholder communities to achieve effective sustainable development impact.

To find out more about the launch and the agenda for the day, please see here. Although the event is now fully subscribed, please email Stephanie Whitehead (s dot whitehead at warwick dot ac dot uk) to see if any spaces have become available.

Sustainable Development Goals

School for Cross-faculty Studies students to present at ICUR 2019

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual academic conference, led and sponsored by the University of Warwick and Monash University, that connects student researchers globally using video conferencing technology.

ICUR encourages participants to rethink their own work in an international context. As a forum, it requires presenters to consider the perspective of students from different backgrounds, and to anticipate what may be shared across cultures and local contexts. This challenge also translates to research questions, encouraging students to examine global and regional trends in their research field, and how these might conflict with local concerns and specificities.

This year, the forum will take place on the 24th and 25th of September in the Oculus building, where several students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies will be presenting their research.

The first Global Sustainable Development cohort graduated on 24th July. Many congratulations!

Here it is, the year is officially over and the first GSD cohort, who started at Warwick three years ago, has just graduated!

The entire Department is incredibly proud of the 75 students who are now officially Warwick GSD graduates, thrilled to have met their families and friends, and celebrated with them the students’ successes and achievements!

Fri 26 Jul 2019, 11:03 | Tags: GSD Student stories Global Sustainable Development Event

Two GSD students at the Climate Reality Leadership training in Brisbane

On June 5th – 7th, two of our second year GSD students attended the Climate Reality Leadership training in Brisbane. Ellie Church and Hollie Ryan, currently studying at Monash, were trained along with 800 other people by Al Gore amongst other professionals, scientists, communicators and leaders. After successfully completing the training, they now join nearly 20,000 other trained leaders, and are required to complete ’10 Acts of Leaderships’ per year.

Thu 04 Jul 2019, 10:41 | Tags: GSD Student stories Global Sustainable Development Event

Event: "Les Raconteuses du Levant — untold stories of Female Hakawatis and the challenges they pose to sustainable development discourse in the Arabic-speaking world", Cathia Jenainati (Wednesday 29th May at 4pm)

You are all invited to the following seminar:

Les Raconteuses du Levant  untold stories of Female Hakawatis and the challenges they pose to sustainable development discourse in the Arabic-speaking world

Professor Cathia Jenainati is a multidisciplinary academic whose teaching and research interests range from Literature to Enviromental Studies. She is the Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

Event: "Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change Among Smallholder Farmers in Kagera Region, Tanzania", Theobald Theodory (Wednesday 15th May at 4pm)

You are all invited to the following seminar:

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change Among Smallholder Farmers in Kagera Region, Tanzania

Dr. Theobald Theodory is a social scientist focusing on environment and natural resource management. He has published extensively in areas of climate change adaptation, land investments, water resources governance and natural resources management.

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