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Global Sustainable Development News

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New papers on the Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar

 A Pat Jasan volunteer group

Image: A Pat Jasan volunteer group, copyright Kachinland News.

Three papers produced in the context of Dr Mandy Sadan's Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) projects have recently been made publicly available. The papers have been co-written with local Myanmar researchers and they are available as free downloads for the next month, forming part of a Special Edition which will be available in full soon.

Funding success: RAEng award on low-cost water filters in Kabul

A view of rolling hills and water in Afghanistan

Image credit: R9 Studios FL on flickr

Together with Daud Mohammed Hamidi from Durham University, GSD Assistant Professor Marco J Haenssgen has won a £15,730 Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) award from the Royal Academy of Engineering to explore the uses and social development consequences of low-cost clay-based water filters that can be produced by potters locally.

New study stresses need to safeguard struggling health systems during mass vaccination campaigns

Vaccination team vaccinating children at a nursery school

Image credit: Louie Rosencrans/CDC from flickr

An international team of researchers led by GSD Assistant Professor Dr Marco J Haenssgen have analysed the impact of mass vaccination campaigns, which are often used in global health efforts in low- and middle-income countries. Based on their findings, the researchers warn that there must be a strategy to safeguard and strengthen health systems with fewer resources in low- and middle-income countries if such campaigns are used in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

Connecting Cultures through co-production in “Learning Space” project

The University of Warwick’s Connecting Cultures Global Research Priority (GRP) has awarded £1,200 to the emerging research project “Learning Space” co-led by GSD Assistant Professor Marco J Haenssgen and Lao researcher Thipphaphone (Kee) Xayavong.

With the support of the Connecting Cultures GRP, the researchers will be able to support the conversion of locally co-produced narratives into creative products for cross-cultural dialogue within and beyond Lao PDR, and to engage critically with mainstream assumptions (automatic links between formal education and Western ideals of health behaviour) and approaches (human capital) in global development agendas.

The project takes place in collaboration with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Laos and the University of Health Sciences in Vientiane, and the broader study is supported by the Warwick Institutional Research Support Fund and the Institute of Advanced Study.

GSD researcher contributes to flagship report on drug resistant infections

A major collaborative report on understanding antibiotic use and tackling drug-resistant infections was launched on Wednesday 24 February 2021 by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The extensive inter- and transdisciplinary research by Assistant Professor in GSD, Dr Marco J Haenssgen, and his collaborators has formed a key contribution to the report.

IAS Award to support genesis of “Learning Space” project portfolio

Woman with hand over child's hand

Following the funding success from the Institutional Research Support Fund, Dr Marco J Haenssgen, Assistant Professor in GSD, and his colleague Thipphaphone (Kee) Xayavong were again fortunate to receive £2,000 co-funding from the Institute of Advanced Study to support the pump-priming research activities of their “Learning Space” project portfolio.

Mon 22 Feb 2021, 09:00 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

Learning space: Funding success for GSD researcher

Young boy sitting on his boat, fishing in the Mekong at sunset time under a colorful sky in Si Phan Don, Laos

A research team co-led by GSD Assistant Professor Marco J Haenssgen and Lao researcher Thipphaphone (Kee) Xayavong have been awarded a £4,000 grant from the University of Warwick’s Institutional Research Support Fund (IRSF).

£1.3m doctoral scholarships in Global Sustainable Development for UK & EU students

  • New PhD scholarships in Global Sustainable Development at the University of Warwick available to UK and EU students, thanks to £1,350,000 from Leverhulme Trust
  • Scholars will receive transdisciplinary training: expertise from different academic faculties, as well as mentorship from front line organisations, such as UN Habitat
  • Researchers will be trained to be "as comfortable analysing data on human-environment interactions as liaising with governments and empowering communities" -- Professor João Porto de Albuquerque

New study: Insecure livelihoods hindering efforts to combat anti-microbial resistance globally

Prescription drugs on an orange background with a pill bottle. Orange pills.

A new study, led by Assistant Professor in GSD Dr Marco J Haenssgen, finds that patients living in precarious circumstances are less likely to use antibiotics appropriately. The study suggests that efforts to improve those with little security in their livelihoods could have an unexpected benefit in helping to tackle antimicrobial resistance globally.

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla interviewed on Cuban International Solidarity Programme

Cuban Health Specialists arriving in South Africa to curb the spread of COVID-19

Image credit: GovernmentZA on flickr

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was recently interviewed about her research on the Cuban International Solidarity Programme for an article published in the Austrian newspaper, Der Standard.

The article explores the work of Cuban doctors and nurses and the ‘Cut Profits to the Cuban Regime Act of 2020’, introduced by US Republicans and designed to make it more difficult for countries to use the services of Cuban medical professionals.

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