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Global Sustainable Development News

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Dr Maria Gavris joins the GSD Department!

Dr Maria Gavris joined the School for Cross-faculty Studies at the start of September as a Senior Teaching Fellow in Global Sustainable Development.

“I am very excited to have joined this close-knit, interdisciplinary team and to have the opportunity to contribute to Warwick’s innovative GSD programmes. I look forward to working with – and learning from – my new colleagues and students. I am taking up this post in challenging times, marked by the Covid-19 crisis and its socio-economic consequences; in this context, the thing I am perhaps most excited about in my new role is the opportunity to introduce students to alternative perspectives in economics which challenge the current way of doing things and help us envision a better future.”

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Dr Mandy Sadan joins the GSD Department!

Dr Mandy Sadan joined the School for Cross-faculty Studies at the start of this month as an Associate Professor in Global Sustainable Development.

“These are strange times to be starting a new job but it makes me determined to make the most of it and embrace this new opportunity with open arms. All universities are facing challenges right now, and we all have to pull together and be courageous and innovative in how we deal with the situation. I am delighted that I have been given the opportunity to join the Warwick community and am fully committed to working with and learning from all my new colleagues and to helping our students achieve their goals when they return in Autumn.”

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Tue 18 Aug 2020, 09:01 | Tags: GSD Staff stories School for Cross-faculty Studies

In interview: Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla on laughter in oral histories of displacement

Cuban Health Specialists arrive in South Africa to support efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Image credit: GovernmentZA/flickr

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was recently interviewed by the Oral History Review about the role of laughter in oral history interviews. You can read the interview here. This interview is directly linked to Stéphanie's paper, "Laughter in Oral Histories of Displacement: 'One Goes on a Mission to Solve Their Problems'", published in the Oral History Review.

Both the interview and paper are based on a wider project started by Stéphanie in 2014, entitled “Life Stories of Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals”. The project aims to fill the gap in the existing literature on Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals, allowing the professionals themselves to "share their stories and help us gain a better understanding of what it meant for them to join these missions, how the work impacted their lives and those of their families, and the challenges they faced as Cuban internationalists."

You might also be interested in the following news items on Stéphanie's recent work:

Our commitment to anti-racism

People protesting with a Black Lives Matter sign

Image credit: Johnny Silvercloud/flickr

The murder of George Floyd (and so many others) has affected all of us. We understand that some of you in our community have been particularly hurt by this. Racism is a systemic feature of our society, and this is not limited to what has been happening in the United States in the past few weeks and over the years.

Here in the School for Cross-faculty Studies, we are strongly against any type of racist activity and we commit to an anti-racist culture and education.

Congratulations to Dr Marta Guerriero on her promotion to Associate Professor

We are thrilled to announce that Dr Marta Guerriero has been promoted to Associate Professor.

The GSD Department would like to congratulate Marta for this important accomplishment, which reflects Marta's commitment to teaching and learning. We are very proud to have her as a valued member of the School for Cross-faculty Studies.

You can find Marta's profile here.

Press interviews with Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla on Cuban international healthcare

Cuban Health Specialists arriving in South Africa to curb the spread of COVID-19

Image: GovernmentZA/flickr

At the start of this month, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, the Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies, was interviewed for an article in The Guardian relating to her research on Cuban international healthcare professionals. The article looks into Cuba's 'doctor diplomacy' scheme, and in particular, the emerging trend of Cuban medical teams supporting struggling health services during the Coronavirus pandemic in developed European nations.

In addition, Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla was also interviewed on Spanish National radio on Wednesday 13 May 2020 for the programme Cinco Continentes (Five Continents). This interview also relates to Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla's research on Cuban international healthcare professionals and Cuban medical diplomacy, and in particular to the latest interventions of Cuban doctors in Europe. You can listen to the podcast here.

Article published for The Conversation on Cuban internationalism by Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla

Cuban flag flying in the wind

Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, the Head of School for Cross-faculty Studies, has had her latest article on Cuban internationalism published by The Conversation UK. The article is titled 'By sending doctors to Italy, Cuba continues its long campaign of medical diplomacy'. You can read the article in full here.

"Cuba stresses its programme to send doctors abroad is based in solidarity. But there are diplomatic and economic reasons too."

You can also read Dr Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla's recent article published by The Oral History Review on laughter in oral history interviews with Cuban internationalist healthcare professionals here.

Energising development studies research with accelerometer devices: Assoc Prof Giacomo Zanello at the SCFS Seminar Series

Associate Professor Giacomo Zanello presenting at the SCFS Seminar Series

Photo credit: Marco J Haenssgen

An inspiring session in the School for Cross-faculty Studies Research and Pedagogy Seminar was delivered last week by Assoc Prof Giacomo Zanello from the University of Reading. Highlighting research using novel FitBit-like accelerometer devices in Ghana, India, and Nepal, Dr Zanello demonstrated how new forms of digital and sensor-based data collection can improve our understanding of people’s energy expenditure profiles during a day and across the seasons.

    Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019

    GSD student Luke co-delivering a talk about the World Innovation Challenge during GEW 2019

    Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), the world's largest campaign to promote entrepreneurship, took place at the end of last year from 18-24 November. To celebrate this week, Warwick Enterprise hosted and co-hosted a number of student-focused and student-led events on campus.

    As Innovation Fellows, students in Global Sustainable Development (GSD) and Liberal Arts were actively involved in running the events on campus, as well as writing content for the Warwick Enterprise website, promoting Warwick Enterprise around the University and attending events themselves.

    Upcoming Event: SCFS Work Placement Fair

    The School for Cross-faculty Studies (SCFS) Work Placement Fair will be taking place on Tuesday 11 February 2020, 4:00pm-5:30pm, The Oculus, room OC0.01.

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