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How to Apply

You can apply for our postgraduate courses using the University's postgraduate applications online form. The University's Postgraduate Admissions Team will advise you on the application process such as English Language requirements if applicable, submission of references and transcripts etc.

MASc in Global Sustainable Development

If you would like to apply for our taught degree, the MASc in Global Sustainable Development, we will ask you to submit an additional document outlining your motivations and suitability for the programme. Please see the 'Entry requirements' sub-heading on our course page for information regarding the Statement of Interest. You will also need to nominate one academic referee as part of your application.

Apply for the MASc in Global Sustainable Development.

 If you are considering applying for our MASc in Global Sustainable Development, please take a look at the bursaries we are offering for Autumn 2024 entry.

MPhil/PhD in Global Sustainable Development

Outlining your research proposal

If you would like to apply for our research degree, the MPhil/PhD in Global Sustainable Development, you will be asked to provide an outline of your chosen research topic. This should be a maximum length of 2500 words and include the following:

  • What area of research you intend to undertake and why (with reference to the most important relevant bibliography).
  • A clear statement on the rationale and significance of the project
  • How you propose to conduct the research and proposed research methods and approach to data collection
  • What background in the subject you already have and any skills you will need to develop further.
  • The transdisciplinary context of your research
  • Potential intervention, knowledge production and the impact of your research.

Identifying a supervisor

Prior to making your application for the PhD programme, please identify an appropriate supervisor and make contact directly to discuss whether your proposal falls within their area of expertise and they have capacity to supervise you. Please see our PhD Supervisors page for academics' research expertise in the School for Cross-faculty Studies. In order to consider supervising you, they will need a brief outline of your research proposal, a copy of your CV, and any relevant transcripts, so please ensure these are sent directly to them. Once supervision is agreed, your application should name the lead supervisor.

Submitting a personal statement

As part of your application you will be asked to submit a personal statement. Please address the following points in your personal statement:

  • What is sustainability for you?
  • How are you addressing Global Sustainable Development?
  • Which disciplines are you in dialogue with?
  • What is your motivation for undertaking doctoral research?
  • What are your career aspirations?

Providing academic references

You will also need to ask two referees to submit references in support of your application. At least one of these references must be an academic reference. If appropriate, your second reference can be a work reference, where your professional experience relates to the proposed PhD. Referees will need to be in a position to comment on your suitability for the PhD programme. For further information on references - content, process and queries - please see here.

Apply for the MPhil/PhD in Global Sustainable Development.

Applying for funding

Applications for funding usually require a separate application. Please see here for details of the University's postgraduate funding opportunities.

Getting in touch

In all instances, please contact PGGSD at warwick dot ac dot uk.

For academic questions about the MASc programme, please address your email to the Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes, Dr Nick Bernards.

For administrative questions - e.g. application process, documentation, timescales - please address your email to the Postgraduate Programmes' Manager or the Postgraduate Coordinator, Holly Hamer on

For questions about PhD supervision, please address your email to the Director of Postgraduate Research, Dr Xiaodong Lin.