IGSD Launch Event: Supporting Global Sustainable Development through Research
10am, Wednesday September 25th, 2019, Scarman, University of Warwick
This event will outline the strategy of the IGSD and the support that it will provide to researchers interested in engaging with the Global Goals. There will be an exhibition of case studies highlighting some of the research already being done across Warwick, and time for networking and community building.
Key sections of the agenda will include:
- An introduction by Professor Pam Thomas, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- The strategy of the IGSD, including how it will seek to build and support an international community of researchers
- Internal GCRF funding opportunities
- Complementary funding and supporting mechanisms for GSD research
- Case Studies in Global Sustainable Development
- Workshops
There will be the opportunity to have some poster space and to give a short talk at the event. If you are interested in taking up this opportunity, please indicate this on your registration form.
This event is now fully subscribed. Please email s.whitehead@warwick.ac.uk if you would like to be added to the waiting list. Many thanks.