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IGSD Fellow published a book chapter on polity diffusion

Dr. Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window, a research fellow working on SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window project at the IGSD, published a book chapter on polity diffusion and regime security in Central Asia. Her contribution explores the politics of autocracy promotion, autocracy diffusion, authoritarian learning and know-how exchange between Central Asian republics and Russia, a regional trend-setter.

The book is published by German publisher Nomos with the support of the the Centre of German and European Studies (CGES/ZDES) at Bielefeld University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Hard copies are available to purchase at the publisher's websiteLink opens in a new window, and soft copies are free to download (open access).

ISA2024 in San Francisco

Last week Prof. Korosteleva attended the #ISA2024 conference in San Francisco as part of the #SHAPEDEM, #AGMOW and #WUB-hub projects. It was an amazingly fruitful experience: she chaired and acted as a discussant to a panel on #Community of Relations under threat: #SocietalResilience across #post-#Soviet space, and presented a paper on #Resilience in #CentralEurasia at the AGMOW panel chaired by Trine Flockhart. Together with Dr Chukitskaya she also met with the Association of Belarusians in America (ABA), and discussed a series of book launches with a focus on Belarus and the wider region.

@LesiaRudnik Karlstad University

@TatsianaChulitskaya Manchester Metropolitan University

Chiara Pierobon, PhD Washington University

Liv Nelsen SDU

Xing Li Aalborg University

@James Fielder Colorado

Congratulations to Shweta Singh, IGSD Thematic Fellow for becoming a UN delegate for the Commission on the Status of Women

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Warwick Business School’s Dr Shweta Singh chosen as UN delegate for Commission on the Status of WomenLink opens in a new window  

The United Nations has selected Warwick Business School academic Shweta Singh as a UK delegate for the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Dr Singh, who is Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Management, was chosen as a UN Women UK volunteer delegate from several thousand nominees to advocate for equal opportunities for women in education.

Shweta will work with activists, advocates, experts and governments from around the globe to drive change and create equal opportunities for women and girls.

Prof Elena Korosteleva & Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-Hub) were invited to train Future Leaders for Belarus at the invitation of John Smith Trust

At the invitation of John Smith Trust, Professor Elena Korosteleva and Dr Tatsiana Chulitskaya (WUB-hub) were invited to train the first cohort of the Future Leaders from Belarus in Oxford. This was a great opportunity to establish professional connections, and to offer feedback to the Action Plans of the JST Fellows. They are invited to be part of the WUB-hub conference on 28 June 2024, held in Europe House, with high-level policy, academic & practitioner stakeholders. The JST & IGSD will work together on developing a bespoke training programme for the future JST fellows at Warwick.

IGSD Research Fellow Dr. Aijan Sharshenova starts her training at the School of Advanced Gender Equality

IGSD Research Fellow Dr. Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window has successfully applied to be a part of the School of Advanced Gender EqualityLink opens in a new window (SAGE) organised by the University of Central Asia with support from the Government of Canada-funded Regional Programme, Foundations for Health and Empowerment Education (F4HE), and Advancing Gender Equity through Civil Society (AGECS). SAGE aims to assist gender advocacy organisations, women led organisations, as well as activists, journalists, bloggers working on gender issues, strengthen their capacity in the areas of gender equality and gender advocacy, provide a platform for peer-support, knowledge sharing and learning, and pilot innovative projects through the Small Grants component. In the course of the next nine months, Aijan will learn theoretical approaches to gender equality and practical aspects of gender advocacy.

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