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Monitoring contributions to the SDGs in research, teaching and operations

EUTOPIA Week Event

24th November, Online
14.30-15.30 GMT / 15.30 – 16.30 CET

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How do we monitor contributions to the SDGs in research, teaching, and operations?

Many universities across the globe have declared a climate emergency, recognising the urgent need to tackle climate change and adopt more sustainable practices in their operations whilst contributing to the sustainable development agenda through research and teaching. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a global framework and sustainability targets that connect to key environmental, social, and economic challenges. There is a growing movement across higher education seeking to engage with the SDG agenda directly, but how we effectively monitor and communicate our contribution towards the SDGs remains a significant challenge. There is substantial scope for exchanging knowledge about different approaches to monitoring contributions to the SDGs and opportunities for the EUTOPIA network to learn together and consider new methods for assessing and increasing our contribution to the global goals.

We propose that it would be valuable to have an exchange in the context of EUTOPIA week about the challenges of, and approaches to, monitoring contributions to the SDGs in research, teaching, and campus operations.


Chair: Dr Frederik Dahlmann, Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability, University of Warwick

Frederik Dahlmann is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability. He originally joined Warwick Business School as Assistant Professor of Global Energy in October 2012. He has a BSc from Loughborough University, and an MSc and a PhD from the University of Bath. He also gained professional experience in the construction sector and from working as an energy analyst in London. Frederik's research interests are driven by a focus on understanding how companies respond to and integrate global sustainability challenges into their business strategies, management practices and corporate governance systems. More specifically, he studies how companies address climate change and reduce corporate carbon emissions, their engagement with multiple sustainability challenges such as the energy-food-water nexus, and the role of sustainable business models in driving industry transformation.

Eddi Omrcen, Durability Strategist, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development

Dr Ester Oliveras, Department of Economics and Business and Vice-rector of Social Compromise and Sustainability, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Professor Magali Jaouen, Vice President with responsibility for sustainability strategy, CY Cergy Paris Université

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For more information please contact IGSD Programme and Evaluation Manager Stephanie Whitehead