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Humanitarian Data

Project Overview

The lack of up to date spatial data about urban areas is one of the key challenges to improving the lives of people in disadvantaged communities. Without this information it is difficult to help residents of vulnerable communities without access to basic services.

Even when humanitarian NGOs have access to external data sources, often they don't have the capacity to make sense of this data. This poses significant limitations of the effectiveness and impact of humanitarian work.

With NGO partners, we have identified the following challenges when using geospatial data:

  • Data quality
  • Geospatial methods
  • Data governance and sharing

Goals and Objectives

We aim to:

  1. Build common understanding and a collaboration platform around the challenges of data quality, geospatial methods and governance
  2. Distil best practices and define a collaborative research agenda to improve data, methods and governance of humanitarian geospatial data to maximise impact towards sustainable development goals

Project partners

Medicins-sans-Frontiers/Doctors without Borders

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Bangladesh Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Operations Team

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council's Impact Acceleration Account