Community of Practice: Geospatial Network
This space is intended to become a listing for researchers across Warwick who use geospatial information in their research. We hope it will become a place where researchers can highlight how they are using GIScience and also to connect with others and share information. If you would like to be listed on this page, please fill in the following form.
Name | Department | How I am using GIScience | |
Joao Porto de Albuquerque | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | | |
Godwin Yeboah | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | |
Godwin applies Geographic Information Science or Systems (GIScience or GIS) with other mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) to address challenges associated with the thematic strands of the UN sustainable development goals. He is knowledgeable in a broad range of open source and commercial related applications and tools which involve the collection/use of a combination of digital maps and geo-referenced data sets for research and practice. Open Source GIS Commercial GIS Other GIS related tools and infrastructure for transdisciplinary research and practice: |
Vangelis Pitidis | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | | I am particularly interested in slum mapping and participatory GIS for humanitarian purposes, particularly in the Global South through the utilisation of OpenStreeetMap platform. Moreover, my research focuses on visualisation of different socio-spatial phenomena. ArcGIS, QGIS and JOSM are the platforms I have been extensively using so far, but I am always open to new mapping challenges! |
Philipp Ulbrich | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | | |
Diego Pajarito | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | | I am working constantly around data analysis, management and storage. I constantly explore alternatives to automatise geospatial analysis. My work is mostly supported by scripting tools (python / R), databases, web services and open data repositories. I also have experience with crowdsourced data collection and user-generated data through mobile services. |
Grant Tregonning | Institute for Global Sustainable Development | | I am mainly interested in climate change, sustainability, inequalities and citizen science. In my current work, I use geospatial analytical methods to understand issues associated with urban sustainability and liveability. I have experience in ESRI products (ArcMap, ArcCatalogue, ArcPro and ArcGIS online) as well as open source GIS products (QGIS). I have recently began to explore the coupling of GIS with visualisation methods, such as ArcGIS Pro and blender, to generate 3D visualisations and animations. |
Steve Ranford | I.T Services | | Steve is a Senior Academic Technologist at the University, and has encountered GIS largely in the context of humanities research through support of colleagues in the Arts Faculty. His interest and experience lies largely in the use of historic and contemporary maps as context and storytelling/communicating research outcomes as well as crowdsourcing. Open Source GIS Data collection and mapping: Omeka Neatline Knightslab Storyline Maps CartoDB (academic license) Software development: Leafletjs, Nodejs, Javascript, php. Databases: MySQL, Sqlite3, ExistDB, NoSQL Map projects (2017) (2017) (2018) |
José-Ricardo Aguilar-González | History | | I am using ArcGIS to analyse and visualise food and drink culture in pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican and sixteenth-century New Spain (modern date Mexico and Guatemala) food and drink cultures as part of my PhD research. I make use of Mexican National Geographical Information System (INEGI), Mexican National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO), Guatemalan National Geographical Institute (IGN) and Digging Early Colonial History (DECM) data sets to situate the information contained in sixteenth-century primary sources known as the Relaciones de Indias. 😊 Profile: CONABIO: DECM: IGN: INEGI: |
David Owen | Institute for Employment Research | | I am a geographer and computer mapping and spatial analysis is intrinsic to my research. My interests are in the analysis of spatial patterns of population change, migration, populaion diversity and spatial labour markets. The UK Census of Population is a key data source, together with the Labour Force Survey and ONS and DWP local data on employment and unemployment. In terms of software, I use QGis, ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and ArcGIs Online and am experimenting with R and Tableau Public. |