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Teacher Training in the Liberal Arts

Interactive and Innovative Learning in the Liberal Arts
25 - 26 May 2017
BISLA, Bratislava

This seminar on pedagogical methods to support quality learning at undergraduate level is organised for about 45 participants, who are mainly early-career teachers in Liberal Arts and other undergraduate programs in Europe. The purpose of the event is to disseminate good practices in undergraduate education as presented in our newly prepared publication – Teacher Training kit. Representatives of high-schools interested in promoting quality undergraduate programs for their students are equally welcome to participate. All workshops will be interactive and they will engage participants in experiencing and enjoying active learning methods.

Venue: BISLA, Grösslingová 53, Bratislava, Slovakia

Preliminary program

25 May 2017
14:00 – 14:15: Welcome
Samuel Abraham, Ecolas director
14:15 – 15:45: Workshop 1: Stimulating interdisciplinarity
Professor Cathia Jenainati and Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (University of Warwick, UK)
15:45 – 16:15: break
16:15 – 17:45: Workshop 2: Encouraging critical thinking in students
Gabriela Pleschová (University of Economics, Bratislava)
18:00: Garden party at BISLA

26 May 2017
09:30 – 11:00: Workshop 3: Problem-based learning
Lisette Wijnia (University College Roosevelt, Middelburg)
11:00 – 11:30: break
11:30 – 13:00: Workshop 4: Reflective and scholarly learning
Agi Simon (Masaryk University in Brno)
13:00 - 14:00: Roundtable: Advancing Teacher Development in Liberal Arts

Participation is free. Please register for the event as the number of places is limited. We offer accommodation (one night) and travel support to event participants.

Questions? Contact Andrej Čierny, Ecolas (, Tel.: +421 2 59234 471)

See Warwick's entry on Transdisciplinarity in the Teacher Training Kit...