Welcome to Liberal Arts
![Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla stood outside the Ramphal Building with greenery in the background, smiling](janewebb.png?maxWidth=&maxHeight=?maxWidth=1000&maxHeight=1000?maxWidth=200)
Dr Jane Webb
Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies
Here begins your experience of a form of education that has existed since ancient times and which continues to evolve and adapt to the intellectual and professional milieu in which it is delivered. Liberal Arts today does not refer to the Arts, or to the Humanities. Rather, it is a way of approaching the major questions that preoccupy us by considering them from the perspectives of science, social science and the humanities.
One of our own students once said 'The world is a complex web and no one discipline can ever truly be separated from another… The most important skill to take away from this course is to understand the interdisciplinary nature of the world and tackle problems in a more comprehensive manner' (Cymroan Phadnis, Liberal Arts Graduate).
By studying Liberal Arts at Warwick, we’ll encourage you to think in original ways, beyond disciplinary boundaries, and to develop your ability for self-awareness and self-governance. Your challenge will be to engage with technology and consider its scientific applications, but also its social, historical and political impacts. Think about what you can achieve by questioning long-standing practices in the fields of Economics, Politics, Behavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities, and by proposing alternative models of thinking. What if you could push yourself beyond your boundaries, working together with those around you to enhance your learning experience?
You’ll join a community of ambitious, focused and forward-looking students, who are keen to chart their own path through education and who, like you, share the qualities of open-mindedness, alertness and maturity. You’ll be challenged in different ways through our varied and innovative assessment methods, such as policy proposals, documentaries and podcasts. We’ll provide you with detailed and constructive feedback, to help you develop and demonstrate a full range of knowledge, skills, competences and graduate attributes. Your development will be underpinned by the strategy and resources we’ve put in place so that our specialist tutors can support you with building a toolkit you’ll draw on for the rest of your life. We understand the importance of providing students with the best possible start to life in the working world, and our dedicated Employability and Placement Manager will work with you to secure work experience during your time at Warwick.
Our team of academics and administrators are passionate about Liberal Education, and are dedicated to ensuring that we provide you with a supportive and intellectually stimulating departmental culture and a curriculum that is unique in its depth, and the breadth and flexibility it affords. We are committed to ensuring your success, and to supporting you in developing your intellectual and professional interests.
Welcome to Liberal Arts at Warwick. We’re looking forward to meeting you very soon."