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Professor Korosteleva spoke at the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) of the Council of Europe (COE) on Belarus

Professor Korosteleva was invited by the COE Secretariat to speak at the PACE COE conference 'Luxembourg Solutions' on the future of Belarus. The focus of this session was to develop recommendations based on the report produced by Paul Galles (Luxemburg Epp/CD) in 2023, which resolution was adopted by the PACE in 2024. This report and its discussions should lay foundations for the actions by the COE member states - national parliaments - in relation to Belarus, including on the issues of visa and consular protection; political prisoners and refugees; identity preservation, education and employment access for the displaced Belarusians residing in Europe. For more information visit here.

Professor Korosteleva speaks at the EUISS, European Council Brussels

Professor Korosteleva was invited by the EUISS to speak onshtag resilience and the need to rethink EU support for Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, at the European Council Building, Brussels. The meeting was attended by the officials from the European Commission, External Action Service, and country representatives working towards developing a new strategy, based on resilience. This was research with impact, in the making.

ISA2024 in San Francisco

Last week Prof. Korosteleva attended the #ISA2024 conference in San Francisco as part of the #SHAPEDEM, #AGMOW and #WUB-hub projects. It was an amazingly fruitful experience: she chaired and acted as a discussant to a panel on #Community of Relations under threat: #SocietalResilience across #post-#Soviet space, and presented a paper on #Resilience in #CentralEurasia at the AGMOW panel chaired by Trine Flockhart. Together with Dr Chukitskaya she also met with the Association of Belarusians in America (ABA), and discussed a series of book launches with a focus on Belarus and the wider region.

@LesiaRudnik Karlstad University

@TatsianaChulitskaya Manchester Metropolitan University

Chiara Pierobon, PhD Washington University

Liv Nelsen SDU

Xing Li Aalborg University

@James Fielder Colorado

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