Schedule and Registration

Session One - this session has now passed.
- Date: Wednesday 19 April 2023
- Time: 16:00 - 18:30 followed by an optional dinner
- Location: Scarman Conference Centre (University of Warwick Campus)
Topic: Curricula Enrichment
This could include:
- Devising material to support teaching the curriculum, such as research-informed case studies
Translating current research into an accessible format and integrating it into teaching resources to meet syllabus requirements to engage with current scholarship
Decolonising curricula
Session Two
- Wednesday 14 June 2023
- 16:30 - 18:30 (with tea/coffee and networking from 16:00)
- Optional complimentary dinner at 18:30
- Scarman Conference Centre (University of Warwick Campus)
Topic: Diversifying Curricula
This might include:
- Decolonising curricula
- Queering curricula
- Shedding light on stories, voices and perspectives which usually remain 'untold', underrepresented or undervalued - such as the lives and histories of LGBT+ individuals and communities; the historical, cultural and intellectual contributions of ethnic minorities; and critiquing dominant intellectual approaches to disciplines.
Session Three
- Wednesday 5 July 2023
- 16:30 - 18:30 (with tea/coffee and networking from 16:00)
- Optional complimentary dinner at 18:30
- Scarman Conference Centre (University of Warwick Campus)
Topic: Innovating in PSHEC
How might research in Film and Television Studies benefit relationships education? Could case studies from History of Art provide a useful vehicle for discussing body image? Perhaps the latest methodologies from Theatre and Performance could mobilise students to engage with issues of welfare and social justice?