Academic Professional Pathway for Teaching Excellence (APP TE)
Welcome to APP TE!
APP TE is Warwick's learning and teaching development course for staff who are new to the university and employed on a F7 "Assistant Professor (Teaching/Research)" contract. The pathway is 12-months long, and is a blended learning model, combining mandatory face to face workshops with online units using the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at the end of which Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) is awarded.
APP TE is a practice-based course, with a mixture of face-to-face workshops, asynchronous online content, and peer learning. Designed to work alongside teaching responsibilities. The participants will develop their teaching practice, covering topics like assessment and feedback, module design, student engagement, independent learning and professional values.
Participants should expect to spend about 8 hours per month on the course, plus some extra time for teaching observations and the summative assessment.
Information for Mentors
If you are mentoring an APP TE participant, or are going to be, click here for information about mentoring on the Pathways. More specific guidance for APP TE mentors can be accessed through the local navigation at the top of that page.

Is APP TE for me?Link opens in a new window
If you are an an F7 contract "Assistant Professor (Teaching/Research)", then you will be required to complete probationary requirements. These requirements will include completion of APPTE. Normally the APPTE team with contact you within a few days of you starting your role with further details.
If you are on an F7 "Assistant Professor (Teaching focussed)" you can request to participate by contacting the team at
Click the link above for information about eligibility requirements, probation and exemptions.

What will I learn?Link opens in a new window
APP TE aims to equip participants with a developmental approach to teaching that will serve them for their whole career.
Click the link above for information about the programme content, learning outcomes, delivery pattern, workload and assessment.

How do I sign up?
If you have been advised that APP TE is a probationary requirement for you, then you should be contacted by the Academic Development Centre (ADC) within a few weeks of starting your employment at Warwick. You will be sent an application form, and further information, so you can select a cohort to join.
If you believe you should have heard from us and you have not, please email us at
.How will I be assessed?Link opens in a new window
Working through our Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Each month, you will be asked to complete an activity related to learning and teaching, and submit a piece of writing for formative feedback.
At the end of 12 months, you will be asked to revise and submit these documents as a portfolio for summative assessment and feedback.
For a full rundown of the assessment tasks, click the title above.
What qualification will I earn?Link opens in a new window
At the end of APPTE you will be eligible for Fellowship of Advance HE (FHEA) (also referred to as "D2").
FHEA is an internationally recognised professional qualification. Click the title above for more information.
Contact us
If you have questions about APP TE or your eligibility, please feel free to contact us:
Pathway email address:
Pathway leaders: Dr. Jennie MillsLink opens in a new window, Will Haywood, Dr. Peter Fossey.Link opens in a new window
Administrator: Alexandra Fraser