LDCU Podcasts: Talking Online Learning
esports and Padlet
18:13, Thu 24 Mar 2022
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In this episode we hear from the head of the Warwick esports centre Jack Fenton about the background to establishing this exciting new facility at the university. We also hear from Orla Whelan-Davis about some work that she carried out in her previous role when she used Padlet to support pre-arrival students in Warwick Foundation Studies.
(MP3 format, 19 MB)
Assessment Innovations (Blogging, AI Marking, Online Learning, Communication, Metaverse & Esports)
08:06, Fri 21 Jan 2022
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In this episode Jim Judges meets Dr. Isabel Fischer who is Associate Professor of Information Systems Management at Warwick Business School. Isabel teaches in the area of Digital Leadership, Digital Transformation, Consultancy, and Design Thinking for Digital Innovation. Her research portfolio centres on the interdisciplinarity across Ethics, AI and Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria.
Isabel talks about using blogs for assessment, the future of assessment and research into automatic marking using AI for feedback. We also hear about some experiences of moving to online learning including some of the benefits afforded to previously excluded groups in addition to work around developing women’s communication skills to help level up career opportunities and progression. Isabel also discusses the arrival of the metaverse and the possible impact on teaching as well as an introduction to the Warwick Esports centre and how she will be integrating and combining esports and the metaverse into her teaching this term.
Find out more about the use of machine learning for feedback
(MP3 format, 18 MB)
Episode 17: Talking online learning - inclusive learning
16:43, Wed 8 Dec 2021
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In this podcast we hear from Diana Shore and Celine Martin (WMG Senior Teaching Fellows) and Utsav Paudel (Undergraduate civil engineering student) about a powerful and insightful internship project that looked at student inclusion in online learning experiences.
Find out more about the project:
- There is a Stream channel with a recording of the dissemination event and edited versions of each presentation.
- Utsav’s presentation can be accessed directly on this channel.
- There is the pedagogical internship website for students interested in applying for projects.
- see the research data (full set of findings)
(MP3 format, 11 MB)
Episode 16: Talking Online Learning - Digital Badges
17:00, Thu 28 Oct 2021
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In this episode Jim Judges talks to University of Warwick colleagues Joanne Raynor, Peter Fossey, Chris Evans, Tilly Harrison and Lauren Schrock about their use of digital badges in Moodle. Some information about research related to the use of badges at Warwick and Monash University (Hill et al., 2020) is also shared, see below for further reading.
Hill, Michelle A., Tina Overton, Russell RA Kitson, Christopher D. Thompson, Rowan H. Brookes, Paolo Coppo, and Lynne Bayley. "‘They help us realise what we’re actually gaining’: The impact on undergraduates and teaching staff of displaying transferable skills badges." Active Learning in Higher Education (2020): 1469787419898023. [Link]
(MP3 format, 26 MB)
Episode 15: Talking Online Learning
09:59, Tue 21 Sept 2021
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In this interview Senior Teaching fellow Chloe Agg (Engineering) tells us about the replacement of an in-person design showcase with a virtual online meetup for more than 150 people using the online meeting tool GatherTown. It’s a fascinating discussion with lots to learn from this experience. The physical experience of being in a place and meeting other people may be missing but as we hear there is much to be gained from using this type of online meeting technology.
(MP3 format, 11 MB)
Episode 14: Talking online learning
12:36, Mon 13 Sept 2021
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In this episode we hear from the WBS Director of Teaching and Learning Enhancement, Dot Powell. We learn about how WBS responded to the pandemic and how they adopted a new way of working online to support the programmes that had previously been delivered face to face. Dot describe's the Business School's move to a model for delivering teaching which became known as the "1 + 1 + 1 model" and the important role of moderators to support the live synchronous delivery components. There is also a consideration of what might be next as we move towards the next academic year. This is a fascinating interview and is well worth a listen for anyone involved in delivering online and blended learning.
(MP3 format, 12 MB)
Episode 13: Talking online learning
17:25, Thu 12 Aug 2021
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In this episode we hear from Associate Professor David Fox from the Warwick Chemistry department in discussion with Senior Academic Technologist Jim Judges. In this fascinating interview we hear about the move to online learning and how this has been experienced by staff and students. Some of the many challenges of working in a blended manner are considered including some of the solutions, tools and technologies that have be used throughout the past year. We consider interesting questions such as how long should a one hour lecture be and what happens when you move from a favoured and well-practised delivery model to something completely new.
(MP3 format, 16 MB)
Episode 12: Talking Online Learning
16:12, Tue 22 Jun 2021
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In this episode we hear from Cath Lambert and Roxanne Douglas about their IATL funded project Exploring Community Values in a sexual, digital world: Shut Down and Virgin Territory. This project developed in collaboration with the Brighton based Vincent Dance Theatre ran as a series of online participatory workshops earlier in the academic year. We also get to discuss some of their general experiences and ideas related to the move to online and blended teaching and learning. You can watch the trailers for Shutdown and Virgin Territory here.
(MP3 format, 17 MB)
Episode 11: Talking Online Learning
12:14, Mon 14 Jun 2021
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In this episode we hear from English language tutor Ian Pemberton and find out about his work in Warwick Foundation Studies (WFS) and about his recent project using and developing a video-based resource to support language learning. We also talk about wider issues related to the use of technology as well as unpacking some of Ian's ideas and philosophies around teaching and learning languages.
The project discussed in this podcast was also part-developed during completion of the PGA Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) programme.
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Episode 10: Talking Online Learning
16:33, Mon 24 May 2021
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In this episode we hear from German language tutor Rosa Nazzaro (School of Modern languages) who tells us about the use of individual and collaborative Wikis to support learning using the Moodle WIKI tool. Rosa also reflects on some of the wider experiences, challenges and opportunities of moving to online learning this year. We also hear from E-Learning Multimedia Developer Kim Watts (WMG) who tells us about a project that involved the design and production of a digital interactive magazine to support learning in an IATL module. Kim also tells us about other aspects of her role within the technology enhanced learning team. Both of the projects discussed were completed as part of the PGA Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) programme.
The recent TEALfest session Podcasting: Learn from a professional is also mentioned in this episode. This was delivered by Jemima Rathbone, Producer at Somethin' Else and included tips and advice for creating quality podcasts. You can watch the video of this session here.
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Episode 9: Talking Online Learning
09:13, Tue 23 Mar 2021
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In this episode we hear from two colleagues based in the Centre for Teacher Education (CTE). Teaching Fellow Emily Davies talks about her role supporting trainee teachers online and at a distance and also shares some experiences of settling into a new job during the pandemic. Secondly, experienced Senior Academic Technologist Abi Ball tells us about some of the experiences, challenges and solutions associated with supporting online learning during the last year.
(MP3 format, 15 MB)
Episode 8: Students & Staff Talking Online Learning
09:35, Thu 25 Feb 2021
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In this special student voice episode we hear some of the highlights from a recent LDCU themed discussion on the loneliness and isolation of online learning. This podcast features a number of undergraduate and postgraduate students who share some of their experiences of online learning as well as some of the ideas for tackling this difficult issue. We also hear form Lauren Elmore and Elaine Moore about some recent community and student online events that are being offered in CLL to try to tackle some of these problems. Finally some of the suggestions, comments and feedback from the event are summarised.
With special thanks to student contributors: Emily Harros, Mehak Kalra, Junaid Ashraf, Laura Mercier, Graham Ricketts and Abbi Strong
(MP3 format, 22 MB)
Episode 7: Talking Online Learning
16:21, Thu 28 Jan 2021
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In this episode Alexa Kirkaldy from WMG and Chloe Agg from Engineering tell us about their use of the Moodle checklist tool and some research they are embarking on, they also share some interesting and useful reflections on their experiences with online learning including some challenges as well as some of the positives too. In the second half of the podcast I speak to Lee Griffin, an experienced online tutor from WMG. Lee gives us some great insights into his own online activity and some useful examples and tips.
Quick skip guide
Alexa & Chloe on the Moodle checklist: 01:37
Alexa & Chloe on broader reflections: 15:16
Lee's reflections and insights into online learning: 34:08
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Episode 6: Talking Online Learning
13:57, Tue 22 Dec 2020
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This podcast features reflections, experiences and lessons learned from Bo Kelestyn, Director of Student Experience, Russ Kitson, Associate Professor and Director of Education, and Nikola Chmel, the Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies, all from the Chemistry department. Senior Academic Technologist Kerry Pinny also joins the podcast to take stock of the year. Kerry shares some of the highlights and major projects she has been involved in as well as revealing, not too surprisingly, how busy her team has been via the helpdesk, training and workshops this year supporting the move to blended and online learning.
(MP3 format, 28 MB)
Episode 5: Talking Online Learning
09:45, Mon 14 Dec 2020
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In this episode Jim Judges speaks first to Christoph Hoerl (Philosophy) and then to Leda Mirbahai (WMS). Christoph shares some useful insights into the move to online and blended learning, the student experience and some of the challenges faced. Leda shares her experience and that of her colleagues and wider team reflecting on some of the online components of the BSc Health & Medical Sciences programme that was recently launched under the current challenging circumstances.
Find out more about the 'Philosophy Pigs' mentioned in the Podcast.
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Episode 4: Talking Online Learning
10:58, Thu 3 Dec 2020
In this episode Becca Stone and Bryan Brazeau introduce us to the Digital Assessment in the Faculty of Arts project and online resource. They share their insights into working with students co-creation of content and some useful insights and ideas related to digital assessment and digital skills in general.
Before, during or after listening to the Podcast you may want to take a look at the comprehensive online toolkit and resource under discussion: warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/dal/digitalassess
(MP3 format, 17 MB)
Episode 3: Talking Online Learning
10:28, Mon 16 Nov 2020
In this episode Shaheen Charlwood, Senior Teaching Fellow in Engineering Maths from WMG, tells us about the Maths Online Bridge for Individualised Undergraduate Support (MOBIUS) project. This tool uses the Moodle lesson tool to provide a branched pathway through a series of key hinge questions to provide individual feedback and targeted support. Shaheen also shares some of her thoughts on teaching and learning as well as a little on her own personal journey into maths and the world of education.
In the second interview Steve Gascoigne, Senior Teaching Fellow (CLL), tells us about how he delivered an entire module online over the summer and shares some of his experiences, lessons learned and tips for engaging learners. Steve highlights some of the key differences between online and face-to-face classroom teaching and shares how he has overcome some of the challenges of teaching at a distance. Steve also offers some of his ideas and motivations for creating an active and inclusive online learning experience.
(MP3 format, 18 MB)
Episode 2: Talking Online Learning
16:17, Thu 22 Oct 2020
In this podcast Jim Judges speaks to Nigel Prentice, Penny Mosavian and Miriam Schwiening from the Department of Applied Linguistics. They share their experience developing and delivering an online version of their Pre-sessional English Language programme. This course is normally delivered to residential students in a traditional face-to-face classroom environment. This year it was delivered remotely to over one thousand students. We discuss their use of technology in particular Microsoft Teams, including channels as breakout rooms and the VLE Moodle. We also discuss some of the challenges that were faced and how they were overcome. [Transcript]
(MP3 format, 18 MB)
Episode 1: Talking Online Learning
15:50, Wed 30 Sept 2020
In this first podcast Senior Academic Technologist Jim Judges speaks to Warwick Business School (WBS) MSc programme Course Director and Assistant Professor Mo Moeini about some of his recent experience moving to online delivery. This is followed by a conversation with Alan Dolan, Associate Professor and Director of social work from the Warwick Centre for Lifelong learning (CLL), who shares some of his own experiences with technology and the processes involved as he and his team embark on this new mode of delivery. The podcast is rounded off with some highlights from a recent open discussion with LDCU colleagues Jess Humphries, Jennie Mills and Robert O’Toole who are joined by Nic Bullen from Life Sciences to discuss aspects of co-design of learning. [Transcript]
(MP3 format, 25 MB)
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About this project
This podcast series aims to capture voices from across the university. Each episode records the different experiences, challenges and solutions associated with online teaching and learning.
Contributors welcome
If you or your team has something to share related to online teaching and learning then please do get in touch to arrange a short interview. Please contact Jim Judges: j.judges@warwick.ac.uk