LDCU Podcasts: Talking Online Learning
Episode 5: Talking Online Learning
09:45, Mon 14 Dec 2020
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In this episode Jim Judges speaks first to Christoph Hoerl (Philosophy) and then to Leda Mirbahai (WMS). Christoph shares some useful insights into the move to online and blended learning, the student experience and some of the challenges faced. Leda shares her experience and that of her colleagues and wider team reflecting on some of the online components of the BSc Health & Medical Sciences programme that was recently launched under the current challenging circumstances.
Find out more about the 'Philosophy Pigs' mentioned in the Podcast.
(MP3 format, 19 MB)
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About this project
This podcast series aims to capture voices from across the university. Each episode records the different experiences, challenges and solutions associated with online teaching and learning.
Contributors welcome
If you or your team has something to share related to online teaching and learning then please do get in touch to arrange a short interview. Please contact Jim Judges: j.judges@warwick.ac.uk