Continuous Professional Development and Resources
There are lots of opportunities to learn about teaching, from how to get started as a beginner, to how to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills further once you start teaching. Like other things in life, the best learning around teaching is ‘on the job’ during your own practice, and alongside others in your department, but there are also many opportunities to get involved in more formal programmes of professional learning and benefit from the expertise of others at Warwick. Individual departments offer their own continuing professional development for teachers in different ways, but below are centrally-available programmes by the Academic Development CentreLink opens in a new window, in order of progression.
Preparing to Teach in Higher EducationLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
Those who are new to learning and teaching can attend this initial, short programme which explores concepts in Higher Education, considers what we mean by learning and teaching and has many practical strategies for getting started. It is delivered in conjunction with departments and you would usually be learning with peers from your discipline. Preparing to Teach in Higher Education is mandatory for any new PhD student who wishes to teach, and forms part of the new GTA contract of employment. The course is run jointly by the Academic Development Centre and your home department and comprising a synchronous taught/facilitated session and some follow-up asynchronous work. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the programme.
Academic and Professional Pathway for Postgraduates who TeachLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
APP PGR is a longer, six-month programme which follows on from Preparing to Teach and is something you can opt to do if you wish to further develop your understanding and interest in learning and teaching. One of the key benefits of the programme is its multidisciplinary nature, enabling you to meet and learn alongside PGR teachers from across Warwick. Themes covered on the programme include small and large group teaching, inclusivity, assessment and feedback and teaching philosophies and reflective practice. The programme models practices which you experience, critique and translate into your own teaching. Finally, students will be able to explore pedagogic literature as a evidence base for their professional learning. Successful completion of APP PGR leads to Associate Fellowship status (Advance HE), a professional teaching standing which is recognised nationally and internationally.
Cultivate (previously Academic Development Programme)Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
Cultivate is the ADC's open access series of events and resources to support learning, teaching and assessment. It caters to all experience levels, ranging from early career academics to those leading modules and programmes. Cultivate supports individual professional development and offers collaborative enhancement opportunities to address Faculty and Department needs. Cultivate offers a broad range of professional development opportunities to support and enhance academic practices, including workshops, asynchronous resources, pedagogic scholarship support, funding calls and much, much more. Join the Cultivate Teams space to keep up to date with their programme of offerings.

Resource RepositoryLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
How do you find out about the latest GTA positions at Warwick?
Do you want to find out what other teachers are doing in your Faculty?
Have you been looking for a teaching resource and not quite found the right thing…?
There’s a lot of information out there that you might need to access in your role as a teacher at Warwick. The Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community Resource RepositoryLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window is designed to provide all the key links you might need in one place! It’s an evolving resource, designed to serve the community - if you see any gaps please let us know and we can add the content or links.
Teaching at Warwick
What does it mean to be a teacher at Warwick? Information about the current GTA contracts, the Warwick teaching experience, the Education Strategy and how this is relevant to you, Warwick’s preferred pedagogies, and a sense of the sorts of teaching practice PGRs are involved in...
Wellbeing and support
Teaching is exciting and can be great fun but it’s also challenging and time-intensive. There’s also the emotional labour of supporting students and although this is rewarding work you also need to look after yourself! This section signposts you to available support and advice to make sure we teach with kindness – to both ourselves and our students.
Learning and Teaching is a discipline in and of itself, with a body of evolving literature exploring pedagogy and practice. Higher Education pedagogy has also changed over the years, supporting a more student-centred philosophy and approach. We draw on an evidence-base for our work, from within the literature, from professional learning and from colleagues and students.
Professional development
Warwick offers a range of opportunities for you to develop your understanding and skills as a teacher – both within departments and more centrally, where you can benefit from learning alongside others in a multidisciplinary environment. There are programmes leading to a recognised teacher status or qualification, as well as less formal opportunities to learn. Continuing professional development ensures that you remain in good standing, as a teacher.
You may find that materials for teaching are supplied by your department…but what about how you teach, additional considerations and perhaps making your own resources? This section contains keys links to resources and approaches you can use for teaching and key readings that will help you in your work.
Connecting with others
One of the best ways to develop your teaching practice, reassure yourself and gain new insight is to connect with others who do the same job! There are various spaces and places where you can learn from each other or find someone to talk to about teaching practice. Finding a buddy, observing others teach or getting and answer to a tricky question are all ways in which you can connect as a teacher. A starting point is our own Buddy and Peer Mentoring SchemeLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window!