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Meet the Team

I'm Yvette, a third-year PhD student at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. My PhD works on pre-service language teacher education for intercultural education and embraces a dialogic approach to teaching and learning and values learner agency. As a teacher educator and teacher education researcher myself, I hope to utilize my research insights to contribute to the wider PGR teacher community. Check my recent news here: opens in a new window

Yvette Wang

Applied Linguistics

Yvette Wang

Meifang Zhuo

Applied Linguistics


Hi, I'm Meifang ZhuoLink opens in a new window, a third-year PhD student in Applied linguistics. My research centred on supporting language teachers’ professional development by conducting classroom research. I have been contributing to various courses (MA TESOL; short courses; PhD Research methods) at the University of Warwick. Additionally, I have been acting as dissertation supervisor for MA TESOL courses at the University of Warwick and the University of Leeds. I am passionate about innovative learning and teaching methods and believe in the significance of supporting inclusive and empowering education in every possible way. I identify myself as part of WPTC and consider it an important platform to network, co-create, contribute, inspire, and support other GTAs at Warwick.

Yanyan Li

Applied Linguistics


I’m Yanyan LiLink opens in a new window, a fourth-year PhD student in Applied Linguistics. My research interests cover multimodal communication, conversion analysis, social interaction, group work and classroom discourse. In my PhD research, I delve into the multimodal interactional processes where peers undertake relationship work during group interaction. I work for several programmes and training at Warwick. I am currently in charge of the seminar teaching for Spoken Interaction course and contribute to the course’s learning materials design on Moodle, dissertation supervision for MA TESOL programme, and Research Methods workshops for MA and MSc students in the Department of Applied Linguistics. I also work as Facilitator for Intercultural Training programme at Warwick Student Opportunity. I delivered academic writing tutorials for undergraduates at Department of Computer Science and facilitated case-based learning at Warwick Medical School. I also mentored interdisciplinary student-led projects at Department of Chemistry. I completed the rewarding APP PGR course in 2023 and have been awarded Associate Fellowship of HEA. My teaching features action-based and team-based pedagogies. I am eager to connect with GTAs from different departments to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration on postgraduate pedagogic practices.

I’m Irsa, a third-year PhD candidate at the Warwick Business School. My research spans over the fields of Finance, Behavioural Science and Entrepreneurship. I am a keen learner with a strong passion to teach. I have been working as a Senior GTA at Warwick Business for last two years and I am serving WPTC this year to facilitate the building of a strong teaching network for postgraduate students at Warwick.

Irsa Ajmal

Warwick Business School

Adam Read

School of Life Sciences  


Hi, I'm Adam, a second Year PhD student in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick.

My research area focuses on how the cell recycles proteins and how this becomes perturbed during ageing. My teaching philosophy focuses on empowering students to think critically, independently and develop as self-evaluators. My reason for joining WPTC is to further the conversation about postgraduate teachers and set up helpful guidelines to PG teachers to follow.

Sara Hattersley

Academic Development Centre

I’m Sara, a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Academic Development Centre. As a department, we are responsible for supporting and developing teachers at Warwick and offer a range of professional learning opportunities for colleagues with varying levels of experience. I have particular responsibility for the development of postgraduates who teach and manage several programmes which offer both development in pedagogy and practice, and lead to recognised qualifications and teaching statuses. I am passionate about the PGR teacher community, and advocate for them within the wider University, across departments, within the committee structure and with HR. I know that PGR teachers offer a unique perspective and pedagogy which makes a huge difference to Warwick students which is why I applied for WIHEA funding to give a space and a voice to this community. Alongside my work with PGRs, I am involved in several pedagogic research projects, external examining and provide consultancy and support through the LDCU. As a WIHEA Foundation Fellow, I aim to support the parity of esteem for teachers at Warwick and enable a dialogue between peers to improve and develop practice. Fundamentally, I think teaching is great!