Meifang Zhuo
Hello! I am currently doing my PhD (2021-) at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. My main research interests include teacher research, teacher development, teacher psychology and wellbeing, innovation in English language teaching and learning as well as language management. Recently, I have developed a strong interest in visual and arts-based research methods and AI in education. My PhD research project is supervised by Professor Annamaria PinterLink opens in a new window and Professor Neil MurrayLink opens in a new window.
I have worked in English language teaching since 2010, teaching in various contexts in China, including public high schools, language training centres and a college. In addition to this, I have worked as a freelance interpreter and translator (English-Chinese) for conferences, publications, and various business settings.
I have contributed to the teaching of the MA TESOL programme (including dissertation supervision), PhD Research Method module, and short courses in Applied linguistics at the University of Warwick. I also joined the team of dissertation supervisors for the MA TESOL and TESOL Studies programmes (2023-2024) in School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of LeedsLink opens in a new window.
I have obtained the status of Associate Fellow of the HEA (AFHEA) and have been offered the role of PGR Teacher ChampionLink opens in a new window for WPTC in the Warwick Organizational Development Department.
I have been selected to become a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA).Link opens in a new window
Current Research
My PhD study aims to explore the impacts and implications of a proposed teacher research project (a combination of workshops and mentoring sessions) for teacher development for research-interested experienced high school English teachers in China. The goal of such a proposal is to guide and support teachers to do research in their own classrooms, to promote their professional development and to ultimately enhance the quality of life in the classroom and teacher wellbeing.
Academic Background
- 2021- PhD in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (expected to finish in 2025), University of Warwick, UK
- With full scholarship
- 2019-2020 MA TESOL- Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Distinction), University of Warwick, UK
- With Bursary
Peer-reviewed articles
Zhuo, M. (2024). “I feel my inner child out”: Zine-making as a data collection tool in narrative inquiry. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. 3(3). Article 100131. opens in a new window
Zhuo, M., & Tang, H. (2024). Understanding students’ English-speaking difficulties: An Exploratory Practice approach with Web 2.0. RELC Journal, 0(0). opens in a new window
Zhuo, M. (2024). Language choices in post-observation conferences: L1 or L2, that's the question. TESOL Journal, 15(3). e816. opens in a new window.
Zhuo, M., & Huang, J. (2024). Using exploratory practice to teach: An innovative way to explore students' speaking difficulties. TESOL Journal, 15(1). opens in a new window
Zhuo, M., & Li, Y. (2024). Harnessing the power of peer dialogue to support GTAs’ professional development: Two reflective stories. Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice. 4, 136-158. opens in a new window
Zhuo, M., Read, A., Ajmal, I., Dar, F., Li, Y., Wang, Y., & Affejee. Y. (2024). Editorial: “GTAs’ (Re/De) Constructing the Learning and Teaching Space Piece By Piece”. Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice. 4, 1-11. opens in a new window
Zhuo, M. (2024). IATEFL 2023 ReSIG Pre-Conference Event: a reflective reportLink opens in a new window. ELT Research: IATEFL Research SIG Newsletter. 39, 1-3.
Professional articles
Zhuo, M. (2024). Addressing knowledge Inequality: Visual and arts-based methods as a possibilityLink opens in a new window. Entry for Society & Culture Spotlight PGR and ECR Writing Competition Series 1. Published online by Warwick’s Interdisciplinary Research Spotlights.
Zhuo, M. (2023). How to communicate as a mentorLink opens in a new window. Modern English Teacher, 32(3), 79-81.
Zhuo, M. (2023). Literature circles: fun, creative and meaningfulLink opens in a new window. Modern English Teacher, 32(5), 79-81.
Book chapters
Zhuo, M. (2024). How I sustained teachers' motivation and engagement in a long-term teacher research programLink opens in a new window. In R. Smith, S. E. Tuyan, M. Serra & E. A. Bekes (Eds.), Stories of Mentoring Teacher-Research (pp. 54-60). IATEFL ReSIG.
Zhuo, M. (2023). Mentoring experienced in-service high school English teachers' action research: case studies from ChinaLink opens in a new window. In M.N. Güngör (ed.), Action research in language teaching and teacher education: voices from diverse contexts (pp. 41-66). Blackswan.
Zhuo, M., Webb, K., & Mann, S. [forthcoming]. New trends in ELT teacher education.
Book Reviews
Zhuo, M. (2024). Review of Pinter (2023): Engaging children in applied linguistics research. Language Teaching for Young Learners. opens in a new window
Zhuo, M. (2023). Decentring ELT: practices and possibilities. ELTED Journal, 26. opens in a new window
Zhuo, M. (2022). A language management approach to language problems. Current Issues in Language Planning, 23(3), 343-345. opens in a new window
Commissioned reports
- Liddicoat, Anthony J., Neil Murray, Penny Mosavian, Steve Mann, Annamaria Pinter, Meifang Zhuo, Yvette Yitong Wang, Xiaofang Lu (2023) The construction of a professional learning community (PLC) for English teachers development under the Rural Revitalisation StrategyLink opens in a new window. Report to the British Council. Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
- Liddicoat, Anthony J., Neil Murray, Penny Mosavian, Steve Mann, Annamaria Pinter, Meifang Zhuo, Yvette Yitong Wang, Xiaofang Lu (2023) The construction of a professional learning community (PLC) for English teachers development under the Rural Revitalisation Strategy: Summary of recommendations for developing professional learning communities (PLC)Link opens in a new window. Report to the British Council. Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
- Liddicoat, Anthony J., Steve Mann, Annamaria Pinter, Neil Murray, Penny Mosavian, Meifang Zhuo, Yvette Yitong Wang, Xiaofang Lu (2023) Developing cross-regional English teaching and research communities in bordering minority areas in Yunnan through support for expert teacher workshopsLink opens in a new window. Report to the British Council. Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
- Liddicoat, Anthony J., Steve Mann, Penny Mosavian, Neil Murray, Annamaria Pinter, Meifang Zhuo, Yvette Yitong Wang, Xiaofang Lu (2023) Research into core curriculum design of postgraduate core courses for prospective English teachers in Southwest ChinaLink opens in a new window. Report to the British Council. Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
Professional development materials
- Wang, Yvette Yitong, Meifang Zhuo, Maricarmen Gamero Mujica, Xiaofang Lu, Annamaria Pinter and Steve Mann (2023) PLC guideLink opens in a new window. Report to the British Council (Companion volume). Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
- Zhuo, Meifang, Zheng Chen, Sundeep Dhillon, Fei Ji, Ana Sepulveda Poblete, Anthony J. Liddicoat, Neil Murray, Penny Mosavian, Steve Mann, Anna Maria Pinter (2023) Teachers guide: Foundations in teaching EnglishLink opens in a new window. Report to the British Council (Companion volume). Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick.
Research projects
- Project assistant for ‘Developing EFL teacher agency and wellbeing in Global South public education via mapping, expansion and enhancement of teacher-research mentoring’ (ESRC / University of Warwick Impact Acceleration Award), led by Prof. Richard Smith, Warwick Center for Applied Linguistics, May 2024- July 2025 (ongoing)
- Research assistant for 'Supporting Sustainable English Teacher Professional Development in Yunnan Province', funded by British Council (China), led by Prof. Tony Liddicoat, Warwick Center for Applied Linguistics, April 2022- April 2023 (completed)
- Project Officer for ‘Peer Learning: recognising, training and rewarding peer-to-peer mentors at WarwickLink opens in a new window’ project funded by WIHEA. Hired by Warwick Philosophy, 30 May 2022- 31 July 2022. (completed)
Conference Presentations
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) International Conference, 8-11 April, 2025, Edinburgh, the UK (abstract accepted for presentation)
- EPAR: a model of humanistic and sustainable CPD for teachers
- the 4th International Conference 'Language in the Human-Machine Era' 'Exploring the dark side of future language technologies: Linguistic (in)security, ethics, and privacy in the Human-Machine era', 2-3 September 2024, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Presented in Person)
- Entering the dragons’ den: Pedagogical and Ethical Challenges of language education in the Human-Machine Era
- the 57th Annual Conference of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), the 5th- 7th September 2024, University of Essex, the UK (Abstract accepted for presentation.)
- Exploratory Practice for promoting social justice in language education: two examples from China
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) International Conference, 18 April 2024, Brighton, the UK (Presented in person)
- Mentoring experienced in-service high school English teachers’ action research
- the IATEFL online event: Stories of Mentoring Teacher-Research, 17th June 2023 (presented online)
How to sustain teachers’ motivation and engagement in a long-term teacher-research program?
Three minutes of fame?: Should teachers be introduced to international publications and conferences before the completion of a long term teacher-research program?
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) International Conference, Research SIG Showcase Day, 20 April 2023, Harrogate, the UK (presented in person)
- Veteran Teachers’ research engagement: perspectives from China
- International Conference on Language Teacher Psychology, 1st Language Teacher Psychology Conference on Teachers Matter (LTPC2022), 6-7 October 2022, Çağ University, Mersin, Turkey (abstract accepted for presentation)
- Towards resilience? Exploring Chinese high school English teachers’ perceptions and reflections on the impact of COVID-19
- Second Language Teacher Education: Challenges and New Horizons, 15-17 September 2022, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (Presented in person)
- Getting everyone involved and everyone entertained: a literature journey with Literature Circles for students and teachers in senior high schools in China
- 24th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICAL 2022), 28-30 June, University of Warwick, UK (Presented online)
- A teacher research project for research literate high school English teachers in China: impacts and implications
- Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2022(LELPGC22), 6-8 June, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK (Presented in Person)
- The efficacy of the Single Point Rubric on teaching and learning continuation writing skills in senior high schools in China: an experimental study
Teaching and teaching related activities
- Guest Lecturer for PhD Research Methods Seminar on Classroom Research, Applied Linguistics (2023-2024)
- Tutor for English Immersion Programme for Hong Kong University PGCE 2023 students (Warwick Short Courses, Applied Linguistics)
- Tutor for English for Global Communication (EGC) Summer School 2023 (Warwick Short Courses, Applied Linguistics)
- Research Superviser for Master Dissertation (MA TESOL, Applied Linguistics) (2022-2023)(2023-2024)
- Senior GTA for MA TESOL core module ET9B6 Research methods in TESOL(2022-2023)(2023-2024)
- Senior GTA for MA TESOL core module ET9B7 SLA Insights for TESOL Practice(2022-2023) (2023-2024)
- Senior GTA for MA TESOL Practice Assignment (2022-2023)
- Tutor for the Research Methods Workshop delivered to the PGT students of the department (MA TESOL, 2021-2022); (Msc in Intercultural Communication for Business and Professionals, 2022-2023)
Professional Activities
- Co-founder of Social Sciences Research Exchange Group (SSREG)Link opens in a new window
- Library student Partner (providing support for library events, including Research Refresh, PG Tips, open day and PGR events, and library service (Helpdesk) (2024-ongoing)
- Reviewer for TESOL Journal (2023); Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies (2024)
- Chief Editor for Journal of PGR Pedagogical Practice (JPPP) Issue 4
- Co-facilitator for Active Bystander Workshop for PGR teachers at Warwick (2024)
- Invited Co-presenter on Workshop titled How to get published for PhD students and early career researchers (2024)
- Session Chair for IATEFL Re-SIG International Festival of Teacher-Research in ELT: (Teachers Research! Online 2023) (Teachers Research! Online 2024)
- Teacher-research mentor for experienced English teachers in China(2022- ongoing)
- PhD Life Blogger for University of Warwick Library/Doctoral College (2022- 2024)
- So what is the upgrade panel?Link opens in a new window
- Making friends on your PhDLink opens in a new window
- How to present at conferencesLink opens in a new window
- The best places for academic readingLink opens in a new window
- Working as a Research AssistantLink opens in a new window
- Software for qualitative studyLink opens in a new window
- Recruiting your participantsLink opens in a new window
- Showing families around the UKLink opens in a new window
- My experiences at a summer schoolLink opens in a new window
- Applying for grantsLink opens in a new window
- Organizing a conferenceLink opens in a new window
- So here comes the annual reviewLink opens in a new window
- Writing a book reviewLink opens in a new window
- Working as a teaching assistantLink opens in a new window
- Academic tools for literature reviewLink opens in a new window
- Secretary/Member of the Applied Linguistics PhD Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC), University of Warwick (2021-2022) /(2022-2023)
- Committee members & Research Clinics Co-ordinator Link opens in a new windowof the 24th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics (WICALLink opens in a new window) (2021-2022)
Professional association
- Social Sciences Research Exchange Group (SSREG)Link opens in a new window
- Member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFLLink opens in a new window)
- Member of British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAALLink opens in a new window)
- Member of Language Learning Psychology PhD CommunityLink opens in a new window
Award & Grants
- PhD Networking Fund for the Inaugural Meeting of SSREG (team application), granted by Doctoral College, University of Warwick, event hosted on November 18th, 2024)
- Project Support funding, awarded by Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), University of Warwick (for a research project titled 'Enabling children's voices through children-led Exploratory Practice: opportunities and limitations from teachers' perspective'Link opens in a new window, completed by October 31st, 2024)
- the LITHME Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) grant by COST Association to explore the possibilities of using AI for language teacher education and professional development. Mission completed by 4th October, 2024.
- the 4th LITHME International Conference, 2-3 September 2024, UCLouvain Belgium (fully funded by the COST Association )
- Cumberland Lodge Life Beyond the PhD ConferenceLink opens in a new window, 12–16 August 2024 (the only one fully funded place by Doctoral College, University of Warwick) (Read my reflection hereLink opens in a new window)
- Project Support funding, awarded by Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), University of Warwick (Project Lead for a team project titled " Wellbeing and productivity: international PhD students' academic journeys at WarwickLink opens in a new window", successfully completed on July 29th, 2024)
- Productivity & Futures of Work GRP Small Grants Scheme 2022/2023 awarded by the Productivity & Futures of Work GRP at the University of Warwick( Project Lead for a team project titled ‘Conference on Language, Wellbeing, and Productivity: International students'' PhD journey in the UK’ , successfully completed on 22nd June, 2023, at Warwick)
- The 3rd LITHME Training schoolLink opens in a new window, 5-9th June 2023, University of Pristina, Kosovo (fully funded by the COST Association )
- Winner of the IATEFL ReSIG PCE 2023 scholarshipLink opens in a new window, IATEFL Research SIG
- the Award of MUN COACH for my student's excellent performance in 2022 World Model United Nations (Age 10–18) High Level Conference (online), China Center for International People-to-People Exchange, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press and Waiyan Center Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Cumberland Lodge International PGR Christmas ConferenceLink opens in a new window, 19-21 December 2022 (one of the two places fully funded by Doctoral College, University of Warwick)
Non-academic activities
- Actress for Reminiscence of Love信物Link opens in a new window by ChiSoc Drama, University of Warwick( live performance at Albany Theatre, Coventry, the UK, on March 4th, 2022)
- Lantern workshop volunteer for Leamington Lantern Parade Link opens in a new window(November, 2019)
- Volunteer for Acorns Children's Hospice Link opens in a new window(2020)