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Gwen van der Velden

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Contact details
Email: G dot van-der-velden at warwick dot ac dot uk

Professor Gwen van der Velden DBA NTF PFHEA

2024 onwards: Professor of Education, Education Studies in SELCS (School for Education, Learning and Communication Sciences)

2016 - 2020: Former Academic Director of WIHEA (Founding Director)

2018 to 2024: Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Education) and earlier: (Student Learning Experience)

2023/24: sabbatical, establishing a programme on Educational Reconstruction for Ukraine.

A 2018 National Teaching Fellow, Gwen has ample international experience, having studied and worked as an educational developer at the Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) and undertaken a staff exchange with the University of Hyderabad (India) in 2012-2013. Benefitting from research project involvement in Australia and Spain and collaboration with the WIHEA’s sister academy at Monash University in Australia, Gwen enjoys the opportunity to learn from Higher Education Leaders globally. Gwen is also a Principal Fellow of the HEA.

Gwen's current work focuses on a different aspect of Education: the reconstruction of the education sector during and post war, conflict and crisis worldwide. Gwen is working with a range of colleagues on developing an online Masters programme in this area, establishing new research and development and finding funding to support educational leaders in war and crisis affected areas, to engage in bespoke programmes in support of the educational sector in their nations or regions.

Please scroll down for publication references

Student Engagement in Learning and Teaching Quality Management:
A Study of UK Practices

In 2012, the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) commissioned Professor Gwen van der Velden, Prof Rajani Naidoo, Dr Paulo Pimentel Botas, Dr Alex Pool and Dr John Lowe to undertake research into student engagement practices in UK higher education institutions. A parallel project took place at King's College under the leadership of Dr Camille Kandiko, which explored student views of quality in higher education.

The Bath research resulted in three publications which will, in turn, contribute to the national debate and policy development in this area:

  • an overview report summarising key research findings and implications for policy and practice.
  • detailed research findings.
  • a good practice guide for institutions and students' unions.
Project aims

The main aims of this research project were to:

  • consider student engagement practices across UK higher education institutions and other providers
  • relate findings to current national policies and debates on the changing role and influence of the student voice in institutions.
  • identify and disseminate good practice to the wider sector.
Project team

The project team has been led by Professor Gwen van der Velden, Academic Director, WIHEA, and comprised the following staff from the University of Bath:

  • Professor Rajani Naidoo, Senior Lecturer (Higher Education Management) and Deputy Director, Centre for Innovation, Marketing and Consumption, School of Management
  • Dr John Lowe, Lecturer, Department of Education
  • Dr Paulo Charles Pimental Botas, Research Officer, School of Management
  • Dr Alexander Pool, Education Officer (2012/13), Students' Union

    Selection of recent publications and invited presentations


    Van der Velden, G.M. (2018). ‘Collective Teaching Enhancement’. Co-Constructing Excellence: Recognising, Scaffolding and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching. Hong Kong University 18-19 December 2018.

    Van der Velden G.M. (2016). 'UK policy levers to advance teaching quality.' International Conclave on Higher Education, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 18 October.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2016). 'Student Engagement in Learning and Teaching Quality Management'. Key note, Student Engagement Conference, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 5 September
    Van der Velden G.M. (2014). 'Developing a distinctive student experience through student engagement'. Keynote, REDU Association, Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, Zaragoza, Spain, 7 November.
    Anagnostopoulou K., Van der Velden G.M. (2014). 'Embedding MOOCs in Higher Education'. Invited seminar, University of Hyderabad, India, 17 July.
    Van der Velden G.M., Anagnostopoulou, K (2014) 'Open Educational Resources'. Workshop SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, India, 14-16 July.


    Van der Velden G.M. (2024). ‘Reflections on supporting Educational Development in Ukraine – Facing the educational challenges of war’. Educational Developments 25.1. p 1-5
    Van der Velden G.M. (2024). ‘UK universities can go further to support the resilience of Ukrainian higher education’. Article on Wonkhe, 25 February. This was an introductory article for a range of articles by Ukrainian Education leaders, under my editorial oversight.

    Van der Velden G.M. (2019). ‘On parity of esteem for teaching and research: prestige, recognition, values and inequality’ invited seminar, University of Glasgow, 31 January.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2018). ‘Student engagenment with technology.’ IEEE Technology for Education Conference, Indian Institute for Technology Madras, 11-13 December.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2018). ‘Collective Teaching Enhancement.’ Co-Constructing Excellence: Recognising, Scaffolding and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching. Hong Kong University 18-19 December 2018.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2018). ‘Measuring the student experience’, invited seminar, Managing the student experience, (contributing to UCL MBA), University of Birmingham 17 May.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2017). Student led research development’, invited seminar, Bangor University, 15 September.

    Van der Velden G.M. (2017). 'Learning beyond Boundaries: Undergraduate Research Engagement'. Key note, Wrexham Glyndwr University, Wrexham, 6 June.
    Van der Velden G.M.(2017). Thoughts on TEF, NSS and other quality quantifying mechanisms. Presentation, Heads of Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 27 April.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2016). 'Student Engagement and HE Policy'. Seminar, St John’s College, University of Oxford, Oxford, 12 May.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2016). 'What are Universities for?' HEA-HEPI Breakfast seminar, House of Commons, London, 26 January.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2016). ‘Institutional Engagement with Students by Alternative Providers of UK Higher Education’. Doctoral in Business Administration: Higher Education Management. DBA. University of Bath, Bath.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2015). Student Engagement. Seminar, Oxford Brookes Academic Enhancement, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, 17 March .
    Van der Velden G.M. (2015). Improving Student Satisfaction: Experiences from the University of Bath. Invited seminar, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 9 February.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2014). Student Engagement in Learning and Teaching Quality. Enhancing Student Experience Conference, Universities UK, London, 4 December.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2014). Student Engagement in Learning and Teaching Quality Management. QAA Annual Conference, Royal Holloway University, London, 26 June
    Van der Velden G.M. (2014). Insights for Change: Student Surveys and Satisfaction Rates. Keynote, Association of Business Schools, 3rd annual conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham 23 April.
    Van der Velden (2014). Student Engagement in Quality Assurance and Enhancement: Institutional and Student Body Practices. Keynote, Westminster Higher Education Forum, London 16 January.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2013). Staff perceptions of student engagement. In: Dunne E. Owen D. ed. The student engagement handbook: practice in higher education. Bingley: Emerald, p 77-92.
    Van der Velden, G.M., Naidoo, R., Lowe, J.A., Pimentel Botas, P.C., Pool, A.D. (2013) Student Engagement in Quality Management Practices: A Study of UK Practices. Project report, commissioned by the Quality Assurance Agency, University of Bath, Bath.
    Van der Velden, G.M., Naidoo, R., Lowe, J.A., Pimentel Botas, P.C., Pool, A.D. (2013) Student Engagement in Quality Management Practices: A Good Practice Guide for institutions and students' unions, commissioned by the Quality Assurance Agency, University of Bath, Bath.
    Pimentel Botas, P.C, van der Velden, G.M., Lowe, J.A., Naidoo, R, Pool, A.D. (2013) Student Engagement in Quality Management Practices: Research Findings for institutions and students' unions, commissioned by the Quality Assurance Agency, University of Bath, Bath.
    Van der Velden G.M. (2013). The Student Voice, Keynote, Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Leicester, Leicester, 10 June.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). ‘Institutional level student engagement and organisational cultures.’ Higher Education Quarterly 66 (3).
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). ‘Talking about Quality: Student engagement’. Commissioned paper for QAA publication for the HE sector and wider public.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). Students at the heart of Higher Education: A critical evaluation of student engagement. Keynote, RAISE conference, Southampton, 13 September.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). The Student Voice. Invited seminar, University Learning and Teaching Board, Newcastle University, Newcastle, 18 October.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). Institutional Change and the Student Experience. Invited talk, Higher Education Funding Council for England, Bristol, 22 October.
    Van der Velden, G.M. (2012). ‘Student at the Heart of Higher Education: A critical Evaluation of Student Engagement’. Invited keynote, RAISE conference. Southampton, 13 September.