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Ableist ivory towers: a narrative review informing about the lived experiences of neurodivergent staff in contemporary higher education

"Neurodivergence is currently underrepresented among staff in higher education. Acknowledging such underrepresentation, this narrative review critically explores the experiences of neurodivergent academics as reported within the scholarly literature."

ADHD - Support for University Students

"#AttentionUK is a campaign about one of the few mental health conditions that doesn’t appear to be becoming less stigmatised in the UK. That disorder is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD."

A Proactive Approach to Neurodiversity in Higher Education

Advice and Guidance regarding a proactive approach to neurodiversity in higher education.

Autism presentation in female and Black populations: Examining the roles of identity, theory, and systemic inequalities

"Female and Black populations in the United States are diagnosed later, are more likely to have an intellectual disability, and are excluded from research as well as services designed for autistic individuals. Autistic Black girls are effectively invisible in the current scientific literature. Intersectional theory, which looks at a person as a whole, examines models that are inclusive toward diverse gender, ability, and racial/ethnic backgrounds."



Black and Neurodiverse: The intersectionality of being Black and Neurodiverse

"Insight into the life of a Neurodiverse Black girl from the Midlands, as she embarks on her journey through the UK school system. This book unveils and highlights the unique experiences of neurodiverse people of colour and the many challenges they face. In this book, 24-year-old, British-Nigerian, Oluseyitan Ojedokun gives an account of her struggles through school. She shares the many dreams and goals she had, despite the feeling of constant dismay."



Camouflaging in autism: A systematic review

"Some autistic people employ strategies and behaviours to cope with the everyday social world, thereby 'camouflaging' their autistic differences and difficulties. This review aimed to systematically appraise and synthesise the current evidence base pertaining to autistic camouflaging."



Disabled Students Commission - Annual Report

"This report, the final report of the Disabled Students’ Commission (DSC), which was established for a three-year period by the Universities Minister in 2020, looks at the key achievements of the Commission over the 2022-23 academic year."

Dyslexia Aware Counselling

"We provide:

  • 1-1 counselling and coaching support to address the emotional repercussions of these issues, either face to face at our North London base, or by Skype.
  • Supervision and trainings for professionals working with dyslexia.
  • Keynote speeches and lectures.
  • The GroOops Dyslexia Aware Emotional Wellbeing and Counselling Network."
Dyslexia Research Trust

"Developmental dyslexia is a specific difficulty with learning to read, spell or write (or any combination of these) in someone whose oral and non-verbal intelligence is at least average, health is normal and receives adequate teaching. It is usually due to inherited differences in the parts of the brain which process vision and language."

"The mission of the Dyslexia Research Trust (DRT) is to help people with reading difficulties, especially young children, to achieve their full potential in life".

Dyslexia Screening - British Dyslexia Association

"Screening tests are used to give an indication of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and can help identify the likelihood of them having a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia. Screening does not provide a diagnosis (for which a full diagnostic assessment would be required) but can be an accessible way of determining that a child or adult may need additional support."

Dyslexia: The Experiences of University Students with Dyslexia

" This thesis is focused upon and examines the experiences of students with dyslexia in
higher education." - Konstantina Michail

Dyspraxia Foundation

"Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults."



Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals

"Compared to cisgender individuals, transgender and gender-diverse individuals have, on average, higher rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses. For both autistic and non-autistic individuals, transgender and gender-diverse individuals score, on average, higher on self-report measures of autistic traits, systemizing, and sensory sensitivity, and, on average, lower on self-report measures of empathy."

Experiences of Dyslexia and the Transition to University

A case study of five different dyslexic students at university.



I can be a "normal" student: the role of lecture capture in supporting disabled and neurodivergent students' participation in higher education

"After the return to on-campus teaching post-Covid, reports of student disengagement and low attendance are common and anxieties over the relationship between lecture recordings and attendance have re-emerged, leading some educators to remove recordings. To understand the potential impact of such decisions, this study explored how neurodivergent and disabled students use recordings using a qualitative survey approach."

Inclusive Teaching - Plymouth University

Guide from Plymouth University about making your teaching more inclusive.

Inclusive Virtual Interactions

Guidance from University of Nottingham about Inclusive Virtual Interactions



Making Tutorials Inclusive

Strategies to make tutorials inclusive for all students - guidance from University of Oxford

Mental Health of Higher Education Students

Guidance from the Royal College of Psychiatrists about supporting higher education students with mental health



Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent? Its more than just grammar

"The language of neurodiversity has now been with us for some time. However, the language of neurodiversity is still not being used in a standard way, neither in the community, nor in practice, nor in research."

Neurodiversity and Mental Health

"Is mental ill health an aspect of ‘neurodiversity’? If so, is it ok to be neurodiverse within the context of mental health and how should those who are ‘neurotypical’ respond? Are people comfortable with the ‘labels’ of, and language and social constructs associated with, being neurodiverse and neurotypical as applied to mental health? These are the central questions that will be explored in this article through the lens of disability models."

Neurodiversity Celebration Week Resources

Resource Hub for Neurodiversity



Productivity Tools

"Many apps and software can aid and improve productivity. Below is a list of either University licenced or free tools, which can be filtered by productivity need and/or your operating system. If required we also provide assistive software."



Reasonable Adjustments

Guidance from Disability at Warwick regarding reasonable adjustments and signposting students.

"Reasonable adjustments refer to modifications or accommodations made to ensure that you have equal access to education and an inclusive learning environment. These adjustments are considered on an individual basis and are intended to level the playing field, mitigate the impact of your condition, and support you in your academic pursuits. Find out about support options and schedule a meeting with a Disability Adviser to discuss your individual needs; they will then contact your department for you."



Teaching and Supporting Students with Dyslexia - University of Birmingham

"Emma Scott (Birmingham International Academy (BIA)) discusses effective adjustments which can make teaching more accessible for students with dyslexia."

Teaching to Include Everyone: A Practical Guide for Online Teaching of Neurodiverse and Disabled Students

"This document aims to provide practical how-to tips for anyone teaching online, both synchronous and asynchronous. It does not assume particular use of technologies and focuses primarily on behavioural aspects of teaching rather than on module design."

The person with a disability gets to define their disability’: exploring identity formation through the voices of university students

"Our qualitative research study was thus originally designed to understand how higher education students engaged with medical and social constructions of disability. The study findings prioritise these students’ perspectives and voices through interpretative phenomenological analysis and poetic interpretations."

They Thought It Was an Obsession: Trajectories and Perspectives of Autistic Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents

"Given the ethical imperative to understand and prioritize the voiced perspectives and needs of autistic gender minority adolescents as well as the discovery of shared themes and experiences in this population, results should inform clinical research approaches and priorities."



Underdiagnosis and referral bias of autism in ethnic minorities

"It showed that compared to the known community prevalence, ethnic minorities were under-represented among 712 children referred to autism institutions."

Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice

"Universal Design in Higher Education" looks at the design of physical and technological environments at institutions of higher education; at issues pertaining to curriculum and instruction; and at the full array of student services."

University Students with Dyslexia: A qualitative exploratory study of learning practices, challenges and strategies

"People with dyslexia are vastly under-represented in universities (Katusic et al., 2001, Richardson & Wydell, 2003; Stampoltzis & Polychronopoulou, 2008). This situation is of concern for modern societies that value social justice. "

Using developmental mentoring and coaching approaches in academic and professional development to address feelings of ‘imposter syndrome’

Using developmental mentoring and coaching approaches in academic
and professional development to address feelings of ‘imposter



What is Neurodiversity?

"Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficitsLink opens in a new window."
