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Gender and LGBTQUIA+ Data Collection Best Practice

This resource covers data collection best practice for gender and LGBTQUIA+ related demographic data, which is GDPR-compliant and LGBTQUIA+ inclusive. The Queering University programme team welcomes enquiries on this topic, and is able to assist staff and students with demographic data collection design.

General Principles

Two of the key principles of the GDPR are helpful to consider here:

You must ensure that personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to your processing purpose.

Ask yourself whether you absolutely need the data for your purpose, and only collect the data you need.

For example, if you are collecting title data it should be because you intend to address individuals using their title and this is necessary for your purpose.

Best-practice questions

This section offers best practice questions and response options, as well as accompanying guidance notes across a range of gender and LGBTQUIA+ demographic data.

There are more than two gender identities, and not everyone identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth (that is, the gender written on their first birth certificate).

Best-practice questions for collecting gender data are:

  • ‘What is your gender?’
  • ‘What gender do you identify as?’
  • A field labelled 'Gender'

You should allow a free text response where possible. This allows all individuals to enter an accurate description of their identity, and avoids othering gender identities which are not included in a limited set.

The following minimum set of response options should be used if you absolutely require a limited set of options for your purpose.

  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-Binary
  • Other
  • Prefer not to say

'Trans' or 'Transgender' is not a gender identity, and should not be included in gender response options. Please seethe section below on cis/trans identity data collection.

Associated guidance to the question should state that respondents should complete this question with their self-identified gender (or by indicating that they prefer not to say), rather than with their legal gender marker if different i.e. 'This does not have to be your legal sex/gender marker.'

This project is part of the Queering University programme, which offers a wide variety of further resources, events, initiatives and support.

This project is part of the Queering University programme, which offers a wide variety of further resources, events, initiatives and support.