Wednesday, January 24, 2024
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EVENT: Unlocking accessibility and inclusive work culture through LEGO Serious PlayThe Climb, Junction Building, Central Campus, University of Warwick, CV47EQMy Innovation Collective LIVE vol.9Unlocking accessibility & inclusive work culture through Lego Serious Play5.00 pm - 7.00pm, The Climb, Junction Building, University of Warwick, CV4 7EQ Join this interactive session and discover how to build better teams, strategies and ideas with Lego! Alice and Dan will facilitate an interactive and creative Lego Serious Play session guiding participants through a variety of topics including: · Hidden disabilities · Supporting colleagues · Creating an inclusive and supportive work culture Alice Hargreaves (she/her) CEO and Co-Founder at SIC. Alice was born with a variety of respiratory issues and was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. She is a disabled and neurodiverse entrepreneur. Prior to founding SIC, Alice spent over a decade in marketing, communications, and research, specialising in equity, diversity, and inclusion particularly women in STEM and widening diversity in leadership roles. Dan O’Driscoll (he/him) is the founder of Engagement Consultancy which specialises in Consultancy, Executive Coaching & Facilitation. Dan is a qualified executive coach and an experienced facilitator, delivering workshops and away days in-person and online. Focusing on topics and themes such as; leadership development, developing a high-performance culture, and building trust and resilience through psychological safety. He also brings a creative, inclusive, and interactive element to his facilitation by using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. Prior to running his business, Dan worked in the commercial, charity, and higher education sectors in a variety of leadership roles, working for organisations such as; the University of Birmingham, Oxfam GB, The Royal Bank of Scotland, and Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd. Places are limited, please only sign up if you are able to attend. |