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Trans & Queer Pedagogies News & Updates

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Get Involved with Queering University

The Queering University project supports staff and students at Warwick to develop, implement, share and sustain queer pedagogies and perspectives. It encourages teaching & learning and pastoral practices that are inclusive of trans and LGBTQUA+ people, and improves understanding in the classroom and wider university settings.

The project is open to all members of the university community who would like to take an active role in it. There are many varied ways to contribute to the project, and the project team will support interested staff and students to identify how they can best contribute. We encourage you to complete this interest form as an initial step.

Please contact the project leads via for more information, or to express an interest.

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 19:48 | Tags: project, queering university

Queering University project launches

The Queering University project supports staff and students at Warwick to develop, implement, share and sustain queer pedagogies and perspectives. It encourages teaching & learning and pastoral practices that are inclusive of trans and LGBTQUA+ people, and improves understanding in the classroom and wider university settings.

Fri 05 Mar 2021, 16:41 | Tags: project, queering university