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WIHEA Restorative Justice Events and Resources

Restorative Justice Events and Resources

We have been holding various, interesting events on the topic of Restorative Justice through our Learning Circle on Restorative Justice in Higher Education.

Below you can find information, resources and recordings for all of them.

There are also many resources at our open-access:


Stay connected

Please join the RJ in HE listserv to be kept updated on these and other event details (email

Restorative Justice in Higher Education Network

If you would like to meet others with an interest in RJ in HE, consider joining the Restorative Justice in Higher Education network which gives members the opportunity to come together virtually to introduce initiatives, share strategies for growth and embedding of activities, and begin to develop solutions to common problems in a supportive environment.
Email for more details.


WIHEA RJ in HE Learning Circle: Valued Partners

WIHEA RJ in HE Learning Circle are thankful for the insights from valued partners. Please visit their webpages to find out more about their events and training offers.

The Mint House, Oxford

Center for Restorative Practices, Amherst College

Center for Restorative Justice, University of San Diego,

National Center on Restorative Justice, Vermont Law School

Symposium: 'Restorative Justice in Higher Education'

This symposium brought together experts with experience of RJ in a range of contexts, who examined the rationale, extent and effectiveness of restorative justice and its place in a higher education setting as a possible way to repair harm and re-educate the harmer about the needs and values of the university community.

Seminar: 'Restorative Justice at Warwick: Could it Work?'

Following on from the WIHEA Symposium 'Restorative Justice in Higher Education' on 22 April 2021 which looked at the higher education context generally, this webinar represented an opportunity for staff and students at Warwick to explore how restorative justice (RJ) practices may fit within our practices, for example, in teaching or dealing with disagreement or discipline (such as plagiarism).

Seminar: 'How to build a restorative university'

Guest speaker Lindsey Pointer (Vermont Law School) has had a lot of success implementing restorative practices in universities in New Zealand and the US and she shared her experiences around some of the challenges and opportunities.

Seminar: An online screening of a film on RJ 'Circles' with live talk with filmmaker Cassidy Friedman and the central character, Eric Butler

The event showed the Circles documentary and then presented an after-talk with the central character, Eric Butler, and the film director, Cassidy Friedman, who discussed the film, their relationship and their experience of using restorative justice in an education setting.

Symposium: Restorative Justice and Campus Sexual Harm

Restorative justice provides an alternative approach to dealing with sexual harm. In this symposium, we explored what restorative justice can offer victims/survivors, the risks and benefits of taking part in restorative processes, and whether restorative justice can contribute to the prevention of sexual harm on campus by effecting cultural change.

Right from Wrong: A talk by Jacob Dunne

Jacob Dunne has personal experience of restorative justice. At the age of 18, he killed a man with a single punch. In prison, he was introduced to the man's parents through a restorative justice programme. This talk explains his experiences and what he learnt about accountability and restorative approaches.

Jacob engaged staff and students in a discussion as to whether there is a place for Restorative Justice in Higher Education.

Read more about Jacob and watch the event recording.

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Webinar: 'How to be a Restorative University'

It can be difficult to know how to begin becoming a restorative university. Speaker Suzanne Belleci (Center for Restorative Practises, Amhurst College), shared her experiences of introducing restorative practises into the university.

Conflict Transformation Across Cultures in-person Workshop (8 July 2023)

Susie Belleci and Fabio Ayala from Amherst College visited Warwick in July 2023 to deliver an in-person workshop for attendees from across the UK HE sector.

Working with our local community

This video shows the presentations on Restorative Justice (RJ) delivered in March 2023 by Nicole McClean and Kim Charles from Remedi Restorative Services and Prof Jane Bryan, Reader in Law at Warwick University Law School. Nicole and Kim deliver RJ in criminal cases within the West Midlands.

It also features a showing of the video “Repairing the Harm” produced by Why Me? For more information visit

The event was hosted by U3A Sherborne and was organised by Coventry RJ Forum as part of its Restorative Stories project supported by the University of Warwick.

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UoW/RJC Mock Facilitation demonstration

Watch experienced restorative facilitators conduct a mock restorative justice ‘conference’ in a HE-relevant case to understand how restorative approaches can support a person who caused harm and the person they have harmed.